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How to Communicate With Your Design Team

Set the Tone The method you choose to contact your designer is likely the way he/she will use as the primary means of communication throughout the span of our project.
That said, as great as phone calls and emails can be, also be sure to check your email on a regular basis.
Confirmations and clarifications are crucial to ensure that everyone is on the same page with decisions before products are ordered.
Make the Call If you are not alone in making the design decisions, you need to let that be known.
However, it is highly recommended that there be one person who is the ultimate decision maker so we know who to contact if anything comes up.
Establish a reasonable amount of time during which responses will be made.
If you will be away or unreachable for a period of time, let us know.
If something comes up, is the project on hold during that time? Is there someone else we should contact to maintain the progress? Tell it Like it Is It may come as a shock, but your designer is not a mind reader.
We may make suggestions that take you out of your comfort zone and into the unknown.
Yes, we have a reason for doing it and, yes, we can explain how each piece will fit into the overall design scheme and why it was selected.
However, nothing is cast in stone - if you do not like something, tell us! If you are not sure how to communicate what you want in words, show us! There are countless sources, both online and off, that will allow you to compile photos of your likes and dislikes.
Never fear: there are always other options from which to choose.
Time is Money By knowing what you want, and clearly communicating said wants with your design team, you save both time and money.
It is not unusual for fabrics and wallcoverings, even for some furnishings, to be suddenly discontinued or subject to unexpected cost changes, so do not think it is a sales ploy on the part of your designer.
Making quick decisions ensures availability and cost.
Be Decisive That said, better to be sure about a decision than to make a last minute change.
Changes or additions can add days or weeks to the length of a project (and thus impact your budget), especially if there are trades involved.
Cancelling that tile order for your master ensuite the day before it is to be delivered and installed not only sets back the timing for the tile, but also the installation of cabinetry, fixtures, etc.
Do your research beforehand and be honest with what you like and want, as well as with what you can afford.
Meeting of the Minds Designing your home is a collaboration that can get rather personal to ensure the space(s) is designed to suit your needs and how you best function.
Like any relationship, both sides need to comfortable and feel they can be open and honest if it is to succeed.
If you do not feel like you can establish a rapport with us, simply say so.
Saying "no" is sometimes the best thing for everyone involved.

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