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Oops - Wrong Move, USA

The USA has definitely made a wrong move regardless of its intentions.
Maybe it did not realize the Chinese pride nor the aftermaths from the public.
August 24, 2012, sina.
com issued an article dealing with the announcement USA had made about the idea to expand a nuclear protection system in Asia in the presence of North Korean threat.
It was not, however, anything too happy.
Innocuous the article seemed to be, the wording was more than a mere eyebrow-cocking.
Details of the proposed protection system were not mentioned at all.
In fact, a quote was made from the USA senate spokeswoman: "We do not have any specific plans for the system.
It will only be utilized in the case of nuclear threat.
" Instead, the article focused more on how Japan had already made friendly moves.
It was reported that Japan had "perfectly established a mutual alarm system with USA, adopting radar observers to supply each other with information".
It was also mentioned how USA wished to institute the same system it had made with Europe and Middle East Asian nations, this time, in East Asia.
The purpose of the reporter is crystal clear; no matter whether this suggestion will eventually prove beneficial for China, it is a scheme of USA to keep China in its control.
Devoid of any details regarding the system or future prospects, the article is centered on how those countries China denounce as pro-American - Middle East countries, Europe, and most of all, Japan - had been more than happy to cooperate.
Concluding from the last remark of this proud reporter "The American government pronounced that it had gone through a long, broad talk about the issue with China.
" She goes on to convey the message that despite such ambitions, it is China that wears the pants in this new situation.
Displayed as one of the top five news articles in the International section of sina.
com, the article received more than 4,000 comments from its people.
Comments mainly shared a common sentiment: Anti-USA.
One exclaimed, "Only the pigs would fall for such a conspiracy! Away with you, USA!" Another said, "We need all these high-tech weapons just to protect ourselves from North Korea? Sure.
" Others explicitly blurted out "Don't let USA expand its imperialistic ambitions to China!" It seems like USA will have a hard time trying to keep a good relationship with the Chinese public.

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