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Choosing Finished Art Types For Your Wall

There are two main options when selecting a finished art type for your walls.
The most common and traditional option is a framed art print.
With a framed art print there is a wide variety of frames, mats and types of glass to choose from.
Frames range from black to silver, thin to thick, and metal to wood.
The width of the frame can really make a difference in the overall size of the item.
Then there is the matting.
There can be one, two or even three mats on your framed print.
Coordinating the mat colors with your print can be tricky, and needs to have the proper consideration to be sure they match up with your print correctly.
This is where most mistakes are made, but sure to spend time picking the best color mats for your art print.
Glazing, or the glass material, now comes in a few different options.
The standard is Plexiglas.
Plexiglas is now used more than glass because it is much lighter and cheaper with virtually the same look.
Plexiglas can also come in non-glare for a slight price upgrade.
And then there is standard glass for traditionalists, non-glare glass, and now there is museum glass that boasts 99% UV protection and amazing clarity for your art print on display.
The other popular finished art type for your wall today is a stretched canvas print over a wood frame.
The canvas is stretched around the wood frame so the frame can not be seen.
Then the print is stapled in the back to the frame, leaving a very artsy and clean look.
At this point it is complete and ready to hand on the wall, no glass needed, only bare canvas.
These are becoming very popular with large abstract art prints where the art is all that needs to be seen, knowing that a traditional frame and mat will only detract from the visual that the art is accomplishing.
And one thing to remember, these can be mixed in the same room.
For example you could have one room that contains a few traditional framed pieces of art, and a few stretched canvas pieces, they look great together!

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