Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Dry Skin Therapy--A Simple guide

There is little wonder, with the ever increasing chemical hazards that we come up against daily that we are all seeking dry skin therapy to correct our dry skin problems. We all like to look youthful, so this article is going to talk about some effective dry skin remedies to help keep your skin young and supple.

It is frustrating when you have dry,stinging, scaly, itchy skin and even though you are applying cream a couple of times daily the problem still persists and in some cases, it gets worse. Often this can be because of the dry skin cream you are using. Although you may have bought an expensive cream, it can often contain lots of chemical fillers that cause your skin to become dependent and dry out more.

It is good to be aware of what ingredients your product contains so that you can avoid those that are harmful to your skin. Avoid parabens, mineral oils, fragrances, alcohols and any additive that is not plant based.

Dry skin therapy should begin on the inside. Drink plenty of filtered water, at least eight glasses so that your skin is hydrated. Next, add some fatty acids to your diet such as olive oil, oily fish, fish oil, nuts, avocado and of course lots of fruit and vegetables. This is to nourish your body from the inside.

These days we are fortunate enough to have the technology and scientific research to provide us with the knowledge to seek out the most effective ingredients that act in the quickest possible time. One of the scientifically proven ingredients that is extremely effective in dry skin remedies is Jajoba Oil.

Jojoba oil is extracted from the seeds of the Jojoba shrub which originates from California and Mexico. Jajoba oil is very much like our skins natural sebum (Sebum is the fatty substance from the sebaceous glands in the skin).It contains antioxidants to combat free radicals that if not eradicated will cause damage to the skin cells.

What is so special about it?

#1 Jojoba oil is effective whether your skin is dry or oily. It moisturizes if your skin is dry but if your skin happens to be oily, it will reduce the amount of oil your skin produces, therefore it balances your skin.

#2 It forms a non greasy protective barrier to prevent loss of moisture from your skin and is also easily absorbed by the skin cells to soften your skin. Jajoba oil will not block the skin pores.

#3 Jajoba oil will soften and moisturize your skin. It helps reduce wrinkles, stretch marks and scarring. It is also beneficial for skin disorders such as acne and psoriasis.

So there you have it, a simple guide to dry skin therapy. I have more info on other special scientifically proven ingredients on my website if you would like to learn more. I hope this article has been of use to you.

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