Republicans Are To Blame For Off Shore Outsourcing?
The political rhetoric is always heightened when we approach election time and campaign seasons.
And this is no different, as today we have Liberals blaming conservatives for the off shoring and outsourcing of jobs and businesses, along with manufacturing to foreign lands.
But is it really the fault of Republicans or are we all at fault for holding back our own team.
The men and women in Corporate America and the Entrepreneurs in our own nation? There are many people who blame this out sourcing off shore and overseas on the Republicans? Bulloney, it is just as much a problem with the over lawyering, whistle blower games, employment law [Democrat Bills] and the constant attacks on business from a myriad of agencies.
And I am not just talking about the EPA, we have issues which are out of line with the FCC, FAA, SEC, FTC, OSHA, ADA and those are only a few of the 1800 agencies with over 15 million lines of codes, laws and regulations.
OSHA alone is 45 stories high? Even lawyers have to consult each other and generally specialize in a small area of the over all law.
Then we have issues with the DOT, clogging distribution and the list is not only Federal.
I have put franchises in 23 states, 450 markets and 110 major cities and four countries and what a complete crock.
The entrepreneur provides jobs, money flow, pays taxes and what do we get? Spit in the face from City code enforcement, counties and states, then the Feds as our businesses grow.
And each time we pass the costs onto the consumer until one day the costs are too high and the consumer says screw you and buys imported goods? But the average person does not get it, we are killing our industry and it is our own fault.
This is why I quit and retired.
I no longer produce jobs, services or goods, no longer pay into the system and that is that.
We are chasing industry and jobs away with over regulation.
As an entrepreneur I can compete just fine, but keep my playing field level and stop attacking me, why should I be put at a disadvantage for providing for the country I love? You see the problem y'all? Consider all this in 2006.
And this is no different, as today we have Liberals blaming conservatives for the off shoring and outsourcing of jobs and businesses, along with manufacturing to foreign lands.
But is it really the fault of Republicans or are we all at fault for holding back our own team.
The men and women in Corporate America and the Entrepreneurs in our own nation? There are many people who blame this out sourcing off shore and overseas on the Republicans? Bulloney, it is just as much a problem with the over lawyering, whistle blower games, employment law [Democrat Bills] and the constant attacks on business from a myriad of agencies.
And I am not just talking about the EPA, we have issues which are out of line with the FCC, FAA, SEC, FTC, OSHA, ADA and those are only a few of the 1800 agencies with over 15 million lines of codes, laws and regulations.
OSHA alone is 45 stories high? Even lawyers have to consult each other and generally specialize in a small area of the over all law.
Then we have issues with the DOT, clogging distribution and the list is not only Federal.
I have put franchises in 23 states, 450 markets and 110 major cities and four countries and what a complete crock.
The entrepreneur provides jobs, money flow, pays taxes and what do we get? Spit in the face from City code enforcement, counties and states, then the Feds as our businesses grow.
And each time we pass the costs onto the consumer until one day the costs are too high and the consumer says screw you and buys imported goods? But the average person does not get it, we are killing our industry and it is our own fault.
This is why I quit and retired.
I no longer produce jobs, services or goods, no longer pay into the system and that is that.
We are chasing industry and jobs away with over regulation.
As an entrepreneur I can compete just fine, but keep my playing field level and stop attacking me, why should I be put at a disadvantage for providing for the country I love? You see the problem y'all? Consider all this in 2006.