Business & Finance Finance

Assessing The Top Mutual Funds Of The Financial World

For the last 5 decades, stock market equities have been just about the best investment possible, with yearly returns that are much higher than comparably accessible financial instruments. On good years the returns can exceed 25% although on average it has hovered near 10% Other types of financial instruments such as bonds and CDs do not come close. However, before opening up an account it is nevertheless important to understand how to assess mutual fund returns and find out about the top 100 mutual funds.

The primary way of evaluating whether a fund is a top 100 mutual fund is to look at its average return over several years, if not decades. However, the return is a number that by itself means very little. Instead, it must be compared to the performance of the entire stock market. So a good fund should exceed the average returns of 10% of total stock market indices.

The next most popular method of deciding if a fund is one of the top 100 mutual funds is to calculate its beta factor. Beta is a number that indicates the volatility, or the strength of the fluctuations in the price of stock. A beta near 1 means that it is as volatile as the total stock market, whereas a number much higher than 1 means it is more volatile than the stock market.

Stock equities in funds may have uncertain returns so a comparison should be made to investments that have more stable returns. We discuss a few here.

The money market account is a stable and reasonably well-paying financial tool. They resemble typical bank accounts but provide more promising interest rates. Money market accounts are ubiquitous, available in a town branch of a major bank. Approach and ask for instructions on rates and deposit minimums prior to completing any forms. Accounts are likewise guaranteed in the event of a bank collapse by the FDIC.

A government-related fund that is very stable is the GNMA mutual fund, especially when compared to the sister Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The trio manage to real estate consumers and benefit from the gains. Most interested people will recall in recent years Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae got severely damaged in the property crash of late 2000s. Not all mutual funds can call itself a Ginnie Mae fund. Only those that invest than 80% fraction of money in GNMA securities are so entitled.

The final, stable investment we consider is the bond. The daily activities of a government, for example keeping a police force active on the city level, or the city college system functioning on the county level, depends upon loaned money. This loan cannot be done through a regular bank, but must involve the sale of bonds that are promises of payment. People put their money into bonds for what up till now has been a highly reliable promise of yield and absence of risk.

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