Pets & Animal Domestic & Farm Animals

Common Diseases in Chickens and How to Avoid Them

Some common diseases in chickens are Aspergillosis, avian influenza, botulism, coccidiosis, infectious bursal disease and mycoplasmas.
These name a few of the most well known maladies that can occur in chickens.
Treatment or prevention of these diseases is important, since producing chicken is a huge part of the U.
food industry.
The successful food production of chicken increases the success of our economy as well, both nationally and globally.
In this article, I will present the causes of these diseases, and show how they can be avoided.
• Aspergillosis is a disease caused by fungi.
• Avian Influenza is caused by the bird flu virus.
• Botulism is caused by toxins.
• Coccidiosis is due to parasites.
• Infectious Bursal Disease is caused by a virus.
• Mycoplasmas are caused by bacteria-like organisms.
Aspergillosis is the most difficult disease to control since the fungus is present in the air we breathe.
With chickens, aspergillosis is usually caused by food spoilage.
The poultry farmer should make sure the birds receive clean food and that the living environment is dry and free from mold.
Avian Influenza is synonymous with the bird flu.
This is a widespread problem in chickens since other species of birds carry the disease.
The best form of treatment is by vaccination.
Botulism is the most deadly disease in chickens and is caused by bacteria called clostridium bostulinum.
It causes a slow paralysis in the bird ending in death.
Treatment is usually done by injecting anti-toxins and by eliminating all dead birds immediately.
The surviving birds, however, can still be at risk for the disease again.
Coccidiosis is caused by parasites; although not as deadly, is still not easy to treat.
The parasite is found in the intestinal tract of the bird and the disease spreads readily to other birds in the flock.
There have been huge losses to the poultry food industry due to this disease.
The best treatment is by using sulpha drugs.
It is important not to give too much of this drug as it can be toxic to the bird.
Infectious Bursal Disease is a highly contagious viral disease.
It is more common in young chickens and can cause severe losses, if not treated right away.
Vaccines are the best kind of treatment.
Keeping the living environment warm, dry and providing plenty of water is beneficial to this disease.
Mycoplasmas are produced by bacteria and cause bronchitis like symptoms in chickens.
Left untreated, the bird will die.
However, the disease does not spread as rapidly as other diseases, and most of the birds recover.
The most common method of treatment for this is antibiotics and this should be used as soon as the bird exhibits any symptoms of mycoplasma disease.
Reducing stress levels also helps prevent this problem.
Proper diet and adequate water relieves stress.
Providing a warm and dry environment helps as well.
These mentioned diseases in chickens are a concern that continues to test not only U.
food production but also its economic success.
Remember, forms of disease protection can be obtained readily through local Vets.
In addition, University related Poultry Science Departments, can educate the community on methods of treatment and prevention of these problems for the poultry industry.

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