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College Success Secrets

    Don't Procrastinate

    • Procrastination is one of a college student's biggest foes. Most professors operate on strict schedules, planning assignments well ahead of time. This could mean that papers or projects could be discussed and allocated weeks, sometimes even months, ahead of due dates. While completing an assignment the night before it's due might be doable, it's still a bad idea. Not only will your stress level skyrocket, but your work likely will suffer as a result of the time crunch. The best thing you can do for your mental health and your academic success is to moderate your time and work.

    Get Your Sleep

    • It's easy to neglect sleep in lieu of other activities, such as socializing or studying. Many students are of the mindset that during the week they can catch up on sleep lost on the weekends. The truth is that sleep is crucial to all physical and mental performances. It supports cognitive function, mood, memory, athletic performance and concentration. Academic performance as well as relationships with friends will benefit from a healthy sleep schedule, and your body will thank you.

    Eat Your Veggies

    • Because most college students live on a limited budget, their diets often change, but not for the better. Mom's home-cooked meals are soon replaced with take-out, beer and frozen dinners. While these foods may be convenient and cheap, the long-term costs are much greater. A body that does not receive adequate nutrition is at heightened risk of compromised immunity. Studies also show that a poor diet contributes to quicker aging, mood swings and cognitive difficulties. So eat your green beans -- it's worth it.

    Talk to Someone

    • One key to finding success in college is knowing that there are always people willing to listen. College can feel overwhelming, from classes to relationships with friends to separation from family. The stress these things can generate shouldn't be taken lightly, and it's important to know that nearly every college offers free counseling to students on an anonymous basis. It's worth becoming familiar with these resources should you need them in the future. If counseling isn't your thing, be sure you have someone to talk to -- a parent, a friend or a professor.

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