Travel & Places Asia Pacific

How to Find Sacred Images and Deities in India

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      Visit the Thousand Pillar Temple in Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, South India. An ancient site, the Thousand Pillar Temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu and Lord Surya. With at least one thousand pillars, the temple offers each deity its own shrine. Visit all three shrines.

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      Pilgrimage to Lord Vishnu's temple, Thirunelli Temple in Kerala, South India. Along with Shiva and Brahman, Vishnu is part of the Hindu trinity. Vishnu is the Preserver god. Not an easy trek, you will find Thirunelli Temple in a remote jungle. Deep in the forest, pilgrims come to perform puja (worship) to the dead and to honor Lord Vishnu.

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      Make pilgrimage to Lord Rama's Ayodhya Temple beyond Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, North India. Once an ancient metropolis, Ayodhya is the site of Lord Rama's birth. Located along the sacred Gogra River, pilgrims can perform puja at the temple and bathe in ghats (places to bathe for absolution of sins). Note, however, that Ayodhya is a controversial and possibly dangerous location, with a recent trend toward Hindu-Muslim violence.

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      Celebrate Vishnu's incarnation as Lord Krishna at Jayanthi Festival in South India. A popular deity and the focus of the Bhakti (devotion) movement, Lord Krishna is playful and usually surrounded by adoring gopis (cow herding women), the Jayanthi Festival is a chance to enjoy Krishna's playfulness and joyful flute-playing.

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