Are You Aware That You May Need Death Insurance to Protect Your Family From Accidents?
Celebrating life with family and friends is one of life's great joys.
Enjoying the company of loved ones can bring great meaning to our lives.
However, many people take life for granted and many forget to take action to protect their family in case of accidents and sudden death.
Do you have death insurance? Have you taken a moment to think what would happen to your family if you died suddenly? This is a very sensitive subject, however if we examine this for a moment you may realized that you need death insurance to protect your family from unforeseen events.
Imagine the nice home that you have.
The beautiful home you work so hard for day after day.
The car in the driveway is a great car that has not failed you yet.
You brag to friends how your car always starts in the winter or shines in the sun like the day you bought it.
What about your kids? Do you have their scholarships paid for? Money for their lives in collage or University? Are you prepared for the "just in case" scenario.
If you have answered "no", then you need to take action.
Action to protect your family in the event you pass on.
Yes, I know.
This is a different subject to think about.
Well, all I can say is that I don't have to worry about any of those situations.
I have death insurance.
If I die, my wife is protected for three hundred thousand dollars.
That money would pay off the mortgage, the car and any debts that are incurred from funeral costs.
If something happened to her, the same thing will happen for me.
Both my wife and I have taken steps to insure that in the event one of us dies, the other will be able to keep the house and our possessions.
Discussing this topic with your loved one can be one of the most important discussions of your life.
Take the time to research how much you or you loved one would need to get by without the other.
This is being proactive.
Being proactive can stop banks, the IRS and collection agencies from taking money and belongings away in the event of a death.
Getting coverage can be as little as ten to twenty dollars a month.
Getting coverage up to two hundred fifty dollars can be around fifty dollars a month.
These amounts will differ from insurance company to insurance company.
Getting a quote for death insurance coverage can be done in five to fifteen minutes, online from the comfort of your home.
Take the time to protect your family or don't and play a game of risk.
Enjoying the company of loved ones can bring great meaning to our lives.
However, many people take life for granted and many forget to take action to protect their family in case of accidents and sudden death.
Do you have death insurance? Have you taken a moment to think what would happen to your family if you died suddenly? This is a very sensitive subject, however if we examine this for a moment you may realized that you need death insurance to protect your family from unforeseen events.
Imagine the nice home that you have.
The beautiful home you work so hard for day after day.
The car in the driveway is a great car that has not failed you yet.
You brag to friends how your car always starts in the winter or shines in the sun like the day you bought it.
What about your kids? Do you have their scholarships paid for? Money for their lives in collage or University? Are you prepared for the "just in case" scenario.
If you have answered "no", then you need to take action.
Action to protect your family in the event you pass on.
Yes, I know.
This is a different subject to think about.
Well, all I can say is that I don't have to worry about any of those situations.
I have death insurance.
If I die, my wife is protected for three hundred thousand dollars.
That money would pay off the mortgage, the car and any debts that are incurred from funeral costs.
If something happened to her, the same thing will happen for me.
Both my wife and I have taken steps to insure that in the event one of us dies, the other will be able to keep the house and our possessions.
Discussing this topic with your loved one can be one of the most important discussions of your life.
Take the time to research how much you or you loved one would need to get by without the other.
This is being proactive.
Being proactive can stop banks, the IRS and collection agencies from taking money and belongings away in the event of a death.
Getting coverage can be as little as ten to twenty dollars a month.
Getting coverage up to two hundred fifty dollars can be around fifty dollars a month.
These amounts will differ from insurance company to insurance company.
Getting a quote for death insurance coverage can be done in five to fifteen minutes, online from the comfort of your home.
Take the time to protect your family or don't and play a game of risk.