Technology Games

Will Mafia Wars-Guide Help Navigate Changes By Zynga?

The game revolves around fighting other players and doing jobs to earn cash, items and experience, with the goal being to establish and advance one's criminal empire. Players create mafias by recruiting other players.

In-game generated members can be added to the player's mafia by Social networking sites such as Face book, MySpace, Friendster and Yahoo! Allowing players to recruit from friends to build their mafia and fight against other players.  Players can also improve their stats by visiting the Marketplace (i.e., making a micropayment.

 An updated Mafia Wars guide or Mafia Wars hot tip can really help you sort thru the changes with some success.  However,  we don't know if its available to everyone yet.
Gameplay is limited by 3 timers: players have limited energy (for doing jobs), and health and stamina meters for fighting other players, which recharge over time. With the help of other mafia members that have been recruited, players can fight other players, which may or may not result in the theft of cash or "death" of the other player.

Fighting is based on the strength of each player and their crew. When two players fight, the stronger one wins and does damage to the weaker one's health meter. Strength of the player and their mafia crew is calculated with the number and quality of 4 kinds of fighting items: Weapons, Armory, Vehicles and Animals.

The items can be bought in different places or achieved as rewards for doing jobs or fighting, built into special properties, or given as a gift between players. The game operates on level up basis. The player earns experience points by simply completing jobs and fighting tasks.

 Players who can manage to complete special tasks such as winning fights against bigger mafias or winning fifteen fights in a row,  are labeled as having accomplished an "achievement", this results in a bonus for the player. As they level up, more jobs and features become available, such as the ability to visit Las Vegas to expand their criminal empire.

Mafia Wars' parent company, Zynga, has worked to adapt many changes in the game, introducing various "beta" features,  such as robbing. This is where players can rob each others' property. These features are often removed without warning, and older players have reported that the property and task interface is substantially different between that of newer players and those who have been playing for a time.

In October 2009 Rackets was added to New York and replaced the old properties method. New players had the new version while older ones retained properties. In spring 2010, New York rackets were abolished and properties relaunched. Four non-cash generating properties, the Weapons Depot, Armory, Chop Shop and Private Zoo were subsequently added.

At the same time, businesses in Bangkok, Cuba and Moscow were replaced by properties. Properties across all cities can now be looted by opposing players.  So Mafia Wars strategy becomes your most involved part of the game.  

Zynga reports that a game release on May 21st at midnight (PST) may have affected players' stats for anyone playing between 12–3 am.  See an updated Mafia Wars guide for more details If you can find one.

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