Death of the Written Word - Read
Books vs.
EBooks, Audio Cds, and Smart Devices.
The internet is foretelling the extinction of the printed page, I mean printed page as in from a publisher of books.
The printed page has lost many fans because it is less convenient, and it does not multi task like all the smart devices available today.
The battle is on several fronts from I-tunes and Audible, to audio books on CD, all are trying to accelerate the demise of the book.
These mediums are popular in a world in such a state of chaos that every moment is spent trying to make more time.
Every act needs to be scheduled and many things take a backseat to just getting through the day.
The love of language, the kindling of imagination, the adventures that we ourselves create when we read, are going to be lost to an entire generation.
The reading of a book, albeit by a talented reader, is no comparison to the actual reading of the story by a child or young adult, making the choice to sit and read a book.
It becomes a relationship between the reader and the written word.
A dance of fairies, an adventure in to the jungle, or a trip to another world, illustrated word by word in the imagination of the reader, at their pace, pausing to think about what they had just read and experiencing the magic that they created in their imagination.
Reading creates an excitement, the term "page-turner" is an exact description of a good story in the hands of an eager reader, ready to go to new places and meet new characters.
Reading a book propels us into the story, we need to concentrate, we lose track of what is going on, or we miss clues to help understand and solve sub plots in the story.
Reading will take a young reader from a picture book to a short novel to young adult novels and further, with ever-increasing plot lines, twists, and concepts.
This education helps in the communication they will need as adults, it will help to make them confident as consumers because they will have a better vocabulary and the thought processes necessary to understand the world around them.
Audio books are listened to in the car, in traffic, on the way to work.
You can't concentrate on the story you need to drive safely.
You think you heard the story; you were merely present when the book played.
You never got into the story and it never moved you.
You surely did not get out of the book what the author had intended when he or she spent the months or even years to write, rewrite, edit, and submit the book to the publisher.
You have not given the author of the book, the book itself, or the person that recorded the book any respect.
Books are meant to curl up with and demand our full attention, the time we spend with the book enlightens us, scares us, it makes us happy and sad.
Reading is an experience, one we must share with our kids; they need to see us reading a book.
You can read to them and when they get older let them read to you.
This will help them become more confident and smooth as readers, you will be able to help them with tough parts and help them grow as readers.
Do not deprive children of the pleasure of reading, the adventures, the bond, and the magic, that they can get from reading.
Don't deprive yourself the pleasure of escaping into a book and finding the joy of relaxing with a good book and recharging your batteries by letting go of the hustle of your day.
Life goes by fast, try reading a book and slowing down.
EBooks, Audio Cds, and Smart Devices.
The internet is foretelling the extinction of the printed page, I mean printed page as in from a publisher of books.
The printed page has lost many fans because it is less convenient, and it does not multi task like all the smart devices available today.
The battle is on several fronts from I-tunes and Audible, to audio books on CD, all are trying to accelerate the demise of the book.
These mediums are popular in a world in such a state of chaos that every moment is spent trying to make more time.
Every act needs to be scheduled and many things take a backseat to just getting through the day.
The love of language, the kindling of imagination, the adventures that we ourselves create when we read, are going to be lost to an entire generation.
The reading of a book, albeit by a talented reader, is no comparison to the actual reading of the story by a child or young adult, making the choice to sit and read a book.
It becomes a relationship between the reader and the written word.
A dance of fairies, an adventure in to the jungle, or a trip to another world, illustrated word by word in the imagination of the reader, at their pace, pausing to think about what they had just read and experiencing the magic that they created in their imagination.
Reading creates an excitement, the term "page-turner" is an exact description of a good story in the hands of an eager reader, ready to go to new places and meet new characters.
Reading a book propels us into the story, we need to concentrate, we lose track of what is going on, or we miss clues to help understand and solve sub plots in the story.
Reading will take a young reader from a picture book to a short novel to young adult novels and further, with ever-increasing plot lines, twists, and concepts.
This education helps in the communication they will need as adults, it will help to make them confident as consumers because they will have a better vocabulary and the thought processes necessary to understand the world around them.
Audio books are listened to in the car, in traffic, on the way to work.
You can't concentrate on the story you need to drive safely.
You think you heard the story; you were merely present when the book played.
You never got into the story and it never moved you.
You surely did not get out of the book what the author had intended when he or she spent the months or even years to write, rewrite, edit, and submit the book to the publisher.
You have not given the author of the book, the book itself, or the person that recorded the book any respect.
Books are meant to curl up with and demand our full attention, the time we spend with the book enlightens us, scares us, it makes us happy and sad.
Reading is an experience, one we must share with our kids; they need to see us reading a book.
You can read to them and when they get older let them read to you.
This will help them become more confident and smooth as readers, you will be able to help them with tough parts and help them grow as readers.
Do not deprive children of the pleasure of reading, the adventures, the bond, and the magic, that they can get from reading.
Don't deprive yourself the pleasure of escaping into a book and finding the joy of relaxing with a good book and recharging your batteries by letting go of the hustle of your day.
Life goes by fast, try reading a book and slowing down.