Business & Finance Business Information

Marketing To A Specific Customer Segment

One of the things you learn in marketing is that you need to focus your marketing efforts to certain customer segments or a niches. The newest marketing thing is to customise your marketing efforts and products or services. Instead of broadcasting you narrow cast and instead off mass production you produce on demand. Obviously, this is being done for a reason. Was customisation almost impossible before, now due to technological advances we are able to apply it. Also, our customers are becoming more demanding. You cannot use the strategy one size fits all anymore. It just wont be accepted, and not only by the rich and famous.

The same applies for e-based Home Businesses. The business owners with a feeling for marketing already apply this to, for instance, their website. They add to their website a personal note, a video message and have a different lay-out. The message they want to bring across may attract only certain people, but for others their message wont work. The secret is that you shouldnt try to be everything to everybody. The moment you try this you will become mediocre and wont attract anybody.

Why we still see so many similar websites and e-mail messages is surprising. For sure this has to do with the explosion in Home Businesses and that it is a fairly new phenomenon. Also the fact that many start their Home Business with everything already in place, from the website to the newsletter, does not motivate people to think about it and be different. With ever more people joining the Home Business the ones who really want to become successful need to start thinking about niche marketing, being different than others and personalising their approach. This means a lot more work and a smart, well-thought out approach. The good ol days of mass-production and broad casting are over. We need to start knowing our audience.

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