Socially Responsible Fuel Switching VCS+ Project
Guaraí, Itabira & Santa Izabel Ceramic Facility Fuel Switching Project This project will reduce 423,036 tons of CO2 equivalents during a ten year period.
Description of the Project This project is a "bundling" of three small ceramic manufacturing businesses: Guaraí, Itabira and Santa Izabel Ceramic Factories. Situated in the Itaboraí municipality, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, they produce structural ceramic products such bricks, to be sold in the regional market. Itaboraí is a region that is in need of environmental conservation because of the proximity of the Atlantic Forest, a Nature Conservancy "hotspot" due to its high degree of biodiversity. Only 7% of the original forest remains and only 2% is protected. The forests closest to these ceramics are located in the Serra do Barbosão, Serra de Tapuaba and Serra do Lagarto. The mangrove of Itambé, which is close to these facilities, is also important as they are breeding grounds for fish that feed the local community.
The ceramics had used heavy oil as fuel for the kilns to produce its products, endangering the fragile ecosystems in the region. Understanding the impact that this had on the environment, the ceramics wanted to pursue a more sustainable form of production and replaced the heavy oil used in production to renewable biomass to generate thermal energy for the ceramic kilns. The renewable biomass now used is sawdust and wood residues from certified, sustainably-managed forests.
It has been estimated that approximately 423,036 tons of CO2 equivalents will be reduced during the ten year crediting period of the project. Technical Data This project applied the Small Scale Methodology: AMS- I.E: Switch from Non – Renewable Biomass for Thermal Application by the User – Version 01 from February 01 of 2008, approved by the UNFCCC. It was validated and verified by TüVNORD, a DOE accredited by UNFCCC, in accordance with VCS 2007.1 and SOCIALCARBON® Standards. To ensure reliability and transparency, the issued credits are registered on the Markit SOCIALCARBON® Registry. For further information, please visit:
The SOCIALCARBON® Standard monitors the improvements of a project over time, providing
assurance and evidence of its contribution to sustainability. The SOCIALCARBON®
application consists of monitoring the project in six crucial areas of sustainability. On the
following page, the SOCIALCARBON® Hexagon graphically represents the sustainability
baseline scenario (Point Zero, 2008) and where the project is today (Point One, 2010).
Description of the Project This project is a "bundling" of three small ceramic manufacturing businesses: Guaraí, Itabira and Santa Izabel Ceramic Factories. Situated in the Itaboraí municipality, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, they produce structural ceramic products such bricks, to be sold in the regional market. Itaboraí is a region that is in need of environmental conservation because of the proximity of the Atlantic Forest, a Nature Conservancy "hotspot" due to its high degree of biodiversity. Only 7% of the original forest remains and only 2% is protected. The forests closest to these ceramics are located in the Serra do Barbosão, Serra de Tapuaba and Serra do Lagarto. The mangrove of Itambé, which is close to these facilities, is also important as they are breeding grounds for fish that feed the local community.
The ceramics had used heavy oil as fuel for the kilns to produce its products, endangering the fragile ecosystems in the region. Understanding the impact that this had on the environment, the ceramics wanted to pursue a more sustainable form of production and replaced the heavy oil used in production to renewable biomass to generate thermal energy for the ceramic kilns. The renewable biomass now used is sawdust and wood residues from certified, sustainably-managed forests.
It has been estimated that approximately 423,036 tons of CO2 equivalents will be reduced during the ten year crediting period of the project. Technical Data This project applied the Small Scale Methodology: AMS- I.E: Switch from Non – Renewable Biomass for Thermal Application by the User – Version 01 from February 01 of 2008, approved by the UNFCCC. It was validated and verified by TüVNORD, a DOE accredited by UNFCCC, in accordance with VCS 2007.1 and SOCIALCARBON® Standards. To ensure reliability and transparency, the issued credits are registered on the Markit SOCIALCARBON® Registry. For further information, please visit:
The SOCIALCARBON® Standard monitors the improvements of a project over time, providing
assurance and evidence of its contribution to sustainability. The SOCIALCARBON®
application consists of monitoring the project in six crucial areas of sustainability. On the
following page, the SOCIALCARBON® Hexagon graphically represents the sustainability
baseline scenario (Point Zero, 2008) and where the project is today (Point One, 2010).