Health & Medical Acne

Acne Scars Fade - Is It Really Possible?

Acne scars are a nightmare for anyone, whether they are conscious of how they look or not.
They find themselves asking the same question again and again, "Is it possible to get rid of these acne scars?", "Is there any treatment that can help these acne scars fade?", "Should I go to the market and ask them about a cream to help these acne scars fade?" and many other such questions.
Although, getting acne scars fade is the most important thing for those who suffer from it but what they don't know is that acne scars to fade depends entirely on the severity of those scars.
Those who are intelligent enough to do a little research come to know that it is impossible for the scars to fade on their own.
To get rid of the scars than you need to adopt some discoloration method or scar fading techniques like microdermabrasion, laser treatment, skin treatment etc.
However, most of these methods and techniques are extremely expensive and not everyone is able to afford the cost.
But here are some quick points that you should keep in mind when dealing with acne scars.
• These scars are a common occurrence for those who have an oily skin.
You should make sure not to wash your face too much.
It only causes your skin to dry and in turn produce more oil which becomes the cause of acne.
So use a cleanser but avoid washing your face frequently.
• Acne scars can fade by applying the mixture of lemon juice and water on the affected area twice a day.
Make sure that you leave the mixture on the area for few minutes.
Keep in mind that this is a slow process and you will not see any immediate difference.
• Oily skin needs to be handled with care and exfoliated frequently.
There are many products available in market that claim to do the job for you but nothing works better then baking soda.
Take a small amount of baking soda and mix it with water to make a paste.
If you apply this paste on your skin and rub gently over it for no more then 30-45 seconds you will get the result you are looking for.
• Another useful homemade tip for you the usage of olive oil and rosehip seed oil.
Clinical research has shown that if you use these oils several times a day you will see an definite improvement.
Seeing your acne scars fade is a dream that everyone with oily and scared skin shares.
With these simple few tricks you can see your acne scars fade at almost zero cost.
The time to act is now! Make 2011 your year to shine.

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