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3 Easy Steps to Finding the Right Keywords For Your Articles Marketing Campaign

In order to get the most mileage out of your article marketing campaign, it is important to do proper keyword research prior to writing any article.
With the right keywords, the article will generate the right type of visitors to your web site.
With the right type of visitors, you will be able to make sales or build a targeted list for backend marketing.
Keyword research can be very time consuming, especially if the niche you compete in is very huge.
However, here is a simplified process to get you started quickly: 1.
Find generic keywords related to your market or product
If you are in the weight loss niche, you can start with phrases like "lose weight", "lose belly fat" or even "weight loss".
You can also enter a specific product name to start your keyword research.
Then look for variation like "lose weight quickly and safely" or "lose belly fat without exercise".
Look for keywords with searches around 30 to 100 searches a day
From the long list of keywords, pick about fifty of them that have at least 30 searches a day.
If your niche is very huge, you can pick up to one hundred.
Priority should be given to those with more than 100 searches a day.
You will also have to take into consideration the competition.
Each of these keywords you selected should have less than 100,000 competing pages.
Lock down those long tail keywords
From the fifty (or one hundred) keywords you have chosen, discard any of them that is less than four words.
We are going for those phrases consisting of four or more words.
These are commonly known as long tail keywords.
Long tail keywords are much more targeted to your niche and usually generate visitors with a higher quality.
This usually translates to higher sales or more responsive subscribers if you are building a list.
Then pick five to ten long tail keywords for your article marketing campaign.
Keep the rest for future references so you don't have to re-do the process so frequently.
The above three steps can be accomplished with the free Google Keyword Tools.
Just go to any search engines and enter "Google Keyword Tools" to locate the actual page.
And feel free to modify the process to suit your circumstances.
Choosing the right keywords is one of the most important things you can do for your article marketing campaigns.
However, don't make things too complicated.
Ultimately, you have to put those keywords into articles and submit them to the directories in order to yield the result you want.

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