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Is Religion (Especially the Christian Faith) Actually the Opium of the Masses?

Class Morality The Marxist defined it as the morality of the proletariat (working class masses), the property-less masses which according to scientific communism; A glossary, includes "Devotion to the cause of the working class, collectivism, mutual aid, comradely solidarity, hatred toward the bourgeoisies (affluent class) and toward traitors to the common cause, internationalism, and stoicism in struggle.
Evolution of Morality The foundation of the Marxist ethical code is the inevitability of change and every aspect of man and the things relating to him changes.
Thus, his ideas about morality are not left out.
I Lenin gives an idea of the communist morality as the ethics or principles contrary to God's commandments and in fact a total disbelief in Him, just because the bourgeoisies in general use the name of God for their own selfish interest and man owning the commandments to suppress the peasants.
Since a change is expected, to give the morally right (the proletariat) a good standing, the Marxist moral view must change when all social strata are eliminated to leave only on social class without a tormentor (the bourgeoisies).
Old Morality Marxist/Leninists define the moral codes with foundations in religious beliefs, including traditional moral ideas as old morality and these codes are used by the bourgeoisies to oppress.
L Adreyev, classifies this morality under capitalism, where religion promotes absurd oppressive, exploitative and inhuman systems in the name of God.
Nkikta Khrushcher states that what is good for the bourgeoisies is bad for the proletariat and vice versa, hence there is no such thing as something good in the perfect sense.
Finally, Marx believed the Christian ethic is just a means by which the rich control the working class poor in which Lenin agrees with him.
Religion, been the opium for the masses.
Critical Evaluation One ought not to hate a person but rather his bad character.
And the best you can do is stimulate a change in the character of that person, even though you cannot force the individual to change, neither is it proper to kill the individual.
Yes! It is agreed that the Bourgeoisies hid under the shadow of Christianity but if the Proletariat understand the Christian ethics so well, they should know that it kicks against the bad influence of the bourgeoisies.
Take for example, for the fact people use money to commit all kinds of atrocities does not mean we should never use money again.
SO, Christianity is not to be blamed here, and there are methods, so many methods to stimulate a cordial relationship between the two classes instead of killing.
Even if killing and hating the bourgeoisies is a solution, Life is all about evolution and a steady "mono-social" climax cannot exist because distinctions between individuals will gradually come to play and after a period of time, bourgeoisies will evolve again.
Are the Marxist/Leninist now saying that a continuous hatred and revolution is the answer or solution to such a situation? The only solution is peaceful agreements to stimulate cordial relationships.
Good relationships bring about prosperity and even though there would still be classes, but the gap between these classes can be reduced and at least basic needs can be comfortably affordable.
And when this is achieved, the proletariat will come to a better understanding about God while the Bourgeoisies will change and see no need to be suppressive.
Which formula would you go for? This is very applicable to our present world of today.
It seems the main oppressors are the ones carrying the name of God so highly.
But should we say, religion has given then the yardstick to do so? If a man kills, would you now say, he is allowed to do so by religion? I am still yet to see such a religion.
But even if they do exist, we should try to expand our senses of judgment not just to religion but as well personalities.
Not everyone who calls himself a follower of a particular religion truly follows it.
If such a person oppresses others, it is not because his religion said so, but because he wants to.
What is the problem with the command "Thou shall not steal?" Compare who worlds in which one operates in obedience to this command while the other operates totally opposite.
Which would you love to be in?

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