Why You Must Prevent Craziness No Matter What
If you believe you know yourself and you are balanced and sensible, you should learn what exists on the other side of your known conscience because you may be surprised by your own reactions someday.
Unfortunately, even people who lived an apparently normal life and appear balanced for many years can lose their mental stability before growing older.
Nobody knows when and why somebody may be affected by a mental illness.
If you look for information about depression, nobody can explain why it appears in your behavior, just as nobody can explain why a person suddenly becomes schizophrenic.
The unique scientific explanation found through dream translation for these phenomena is the existence of a wild and violent conscience in the human psyche that causes depression, craziness, suicidal tendencies, panic attacks, anxiety and many other types of mental illnesses.
They are all derived from the wild anti-conscience.
This is the primitive human conscience that is still alive in the psyche and works against the conscience.
It tries to destroy and replace the conscience so that it may control our behavior instead of being tamed by the conscience that respects other human beings and can comprehend and forgive their mistakes.
You may believe that you are safe and not at a risk of craziness, and you may even feel offended with the idea that you might lose your mental health someday, but the truth is that you are quite far from balance and psychological, mental and emotional health, even if you are a calm person without any existential problems.
True balance and health only exist in the complete development of the conscience because the anti-conscience gets transformed into a positive component of the conscience that helps the person understand more and become more intelligent, instead of trying to destroy their humanity.
You may develop a part of your conscience through many ways and calm down using many psychotherapies, but the only way to surely prevent depression, craziness and all mental illnesses is through dream interpretation using the simplified version of Carl Jung's method.
You many consider this unnecessary and despise the danger of being affected by depression, craziness and other disturbances since all is well with you and your life follows a certain routine.
You are somehow protected by society, your family and your financial belongings, but what if something happens and you suddenly have to face a big change in your life without anyone's support? What if even the routine you are following and the supposed safety you believe you have in life may be in fact causing you many psychological problems, because you are not developing your capacities and intelligence? After seeing how strong, powerful and unbeatable the wild anti-conscience really was, I was so shocked that I thought it was really impossible to win the battle against this monster.
The bitter truth is that it really is impossible to beat the anti-conscience because it is far stronger than the tiny fraction of our conscience.
Therefore, you require the guidance and support of the wise and saintly unconscious mind to fight your worst enemy.
It may be ruining your life without your comprehension.
You can never know if, when and how this comprehension may come and how it will affect your personality.
I advise you to prevent all mental illnesses now that you are fine or you started noticing that you are depressed or confused because later you may not have the chance to do anything.
When the domination of the anti-conscience is too advanced and it manages to destroy a significant part of the conscience, the process of complete destruction of the human conscience takes only a few days and it cannot be interrupted.
We can save your human conscience only if there is not too much damage done by the anti-conscience.
Later, your psychotherapy will be a miracle.
This is why you must prevent craziness (and with it, depression and all mental illnesses) right now, by taking note of your dreams, interpreting them using the correct method, studying their meaning carefully and following the guidance you receive from the unconscious.
Unfortunately, even people who lived an apparently normal life and appear balanced for many years can lose their mental stability before growing older.
Nobody knows when and why somebody may be affected by a mental illness.
If you look for information about depression, nobody can explain why it appears in your behavior, just as nobody can explain why a person suddenly becomes schizophrenic.
The unique scientific explanation found through dream translation for these phenomena is the existence of a wild and violent conscience in the human psyche that causes depression, craziness, suicidal tendencies, panic attacks, anxiety and many other types of mental illnesses.
They are all derived from the wild anti-conscience.
This is the primitive human conscience that is still alive in the psyche and works against the conscience.
It tries to destroy and replace the conscience so that it may control our behavior instead of being tamed by the conscience that respects other human beings and can comprehend and forgive their mistakes.
You may believe that you are safe and not at a risk of craziness, and you may even feel offended with the idea that you might lose your mental health someday, but the truth is that you are quite far from balance and psychological, mental and emotional health, even if you are a calm person without any existential problems.
True balance and health only exist in the complete development of the conscience because the anti-conscience gets transformed into a positive component of the conscience that helps the person understand more and become more intelligent, instead of trying to destroy their humanity.
You may develop a part of your conscience through many ways and calm down using many psychotherapies, but the only way to surely prevent depression, craziness and all mental illnesses is through dream interpretation using the simplified version of Carl Jung's method.
You many consider this unnecessary and despise the danger of being affected by depression, craziness and other disturbances since all is well with you and your life follows a certain routine.
You are somehow protected by society, your family and your financial belongings, but what if something happens and you suddenly have to face a big change in your life without anyone's support? What if even the routine you are following and the supposed safety you believe you have in life may be in fact causing you many psychological problems, because you are not developing your capacities and intelligence? After seeing how strong, powerful and unbeatable the wild anti-conscience really was, I was so shocked that I thought it was really impossible to win the battle against this monster.
The bitter truth is that it really is impossible to beat the anti-conscience because it is far stronger than the tiny fraction of our conscience.
Therefore, you require the guidance and support of the wise and saintly unconscious mind to fight your worst enemy.
It may be ruining your life without your comprehension.
You can never know if, when and how this comprehension may come and how it will affect your personality.
I advise you to prevent all mental illnesses now that you are fine or you started noticing that you are depressed or confused because later you may not have the chance to do anything.
When the domination of the anti-conscience is too advanced and it manages to destroy a significant part of the conscience, the process of complete destruction of the human conscience takes only a few days and it cannot be interrupted.
We can save your human conscience only if there is not too much damage done by the anti-conscience.
Later, your psychotherapy will be a miracle.
This is why you must prevent craziness (and with it, depression and all mental illnesses) right now, by taking note of your dreams, interpreting them using the correct method, studying their meaning carefully and following the guidance you receive from the unconscious.