Technology Games

Engineering--The Best Profession In Mists of Pandaria Beta

Engineers, keep getting excited for Mists of Pandaria, because we've just got even more toys to make our favorite profession unequivocally still the best profession. With the recent beta patch, we've seen some new datamined recipes for engineering goodies such as Blingtron 4000, a fabulously wealthy robot companion who gives people gifts, and the Depleted-Kyparium Rocket, a new rocket mount built by engineers.

The real treat, however, is the Thermal Anvil, a new item that drops a portable anvil and forge at the engineer's feet. Yes, you read that right -- engineers are going to be able to deploy a portable anvil.

Engineering is the best profession in WoW,and is also the best profession in Mists of Pandaria beta. We've seen some new head pieces coming in Mists of Pandaria, but there really has not been a huge amount of engineering news for making wow gold . Well, that's all changed now that the Goblin Glider engineering enchant has been introduced.

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Maybe you've like to pair a gathering profession with your engineering to make the best use of some brand new Mist-Piercing Goggles? Engineers, Blizzard has heard our call for more fun stuff and it is delivering. I can't wait to see what's next. Engineering -- best profession!

A BoE/non-Engineering required Thermal Anvil might make a few wow gold vip off of the AH as well, but it will probably be Engineering required.

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Now enchant, BS and leatherwork all give endgame enchants.Engineer is the best profession where you can make things that have consistent, long-term return.  i.e. - toys that remain fun, not matter your gear level in Mists of Pandaria. If you'd like to know more wow guides or buy safe wow gold news,you can check to find anything useful you need.

Tongzhouseo Kent May21

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