Business & Finance Small Business

How to Start a Business in CPR and First Aid Training

Things You'll Need



Receive CPR and first aid instructor’s training. It is not only important that you know how to perform first aid and CPR in order to train others, but also understand how to train individuals and what your requirements are under the organization you wish to teach. Get in touch with your local American Red Cross chapter and sign up to attend an instructors training course. The course should take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours and cost varies by location. After you receive your instructor’s training, you will be eligible to teach others.

Sign up as an instructor for the American Red Cross. They will reserve you a training space at the chapter, organize your class roster and provide the training materials you need to conduct your classes. The drawback to this is that you will be acting as an employee of the American Red Cross and will be receiving an hourly rate for your services. The benefit is that you will begin to establish yourself with individuals and businesses in the area so that when you go out on your own, you will have already established a decent client list.

Obtain a business license. To provide goods or services in most municipalities, you must obtain a business license. This is for tax purposes as you must pay taxes to the city and/or county in which you do business. If you plan to travel to multiple counties to teach, you will pay taxes on that income based on your home city/county tax laws. You can obtain a business license from the county business tax office.

Arrange for a class space. If you are dealing with businesses, many will provide a space to conduct your class free of charge. If you are teaching to individuals, you will need to furnish your own space. This space can be your living room or a facility you rent out. Either way, the space will work best if there are no distractions and can comfortably seat 15-20 people.

Arrange for equipment. There is little when it comes to equipment for teaching first aid and CPR; however, you will need a few things. These include splints, bandages and CPR mannequins. You will be able to obtain everything you need for teaching at the American Red Cross chapter. They will loan or rent you the equipment you need to teach your class, but you will need to return it at the end of each session.

Turn in your class records. The American Red Cross keeps track of the certifications you issue at each class. It is up to you to keep accurate class records and turn them in at the specified times. The individuals you teach will need to receive certification cards indicating that they have received training. These cards will be mailed from the Red Cross chapter after your records have been received.

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