Cars & Vehicles Recreation Vehicle

How to Clean a Carburetor on a Four Wheeler

    • 1). Remove the carburetor from your four wheeler. This procedure is different for every four wheeler model. Consult your repair manual if you have never removed your carburetor before.

    • 2). Flip over the carburetor. Remove the four screws that hold the float bowl in the bottom of the carburetor. Pull the float bowl out of the carburetor.

    • 3). Pull the horizontal retainer pin out from on top of the floats. Lift the floats out of the carburetor. Rotate the pilot and main jets counterclockwise manually until they come out of the carburetor.

    • 4). Cut three sections of copper wire that each measure 1 foot long.

    • 5). Wrap two pieces of the wire around one another. Slide the coiled wires into the large jet holes to push out residual fuel and debris.

    • 6). Make a zigzag pattern down the third wire by bending or folding it. Insert the wire down into all of the smaller jet holes to scrape out fuel buildup and debris.

    • 7). Spray the carburetor cleaner through all of the jet holes.

    • 8). Screw the jets into the bottom of the carburetor, and push the metal tab on the fuel needle up or down as needed to set the float height right under the fuel needle. Rotate the float bowl back into its original position.

    • 9). Repeat to clean your remaining carburetor.

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