What to Expect After a Breast Augmentation
- According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast augmentation involves placing implants in the breasts to enhance their appearance or to provide fullness that has been lost after pregnancy or weight loss.
- The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery recommends several steps to prepare for breast augmentation surgery. Before the surgery, the doctor will request medical tests, including blood work and a mammogram to establish a baseline for future comparisons. Current medications might also be altered to prepare for surgery, and cessation of smoking will be advised. Because of sedation and pain medications that will be given, someone should be available to drive the patient home after surgery.
- During the procedure, sedation will be used to make the patient comfortable. Several different styles of incisions can be used to minimize the scarring associated with the surgery. The incisions used to insert the implant may be made under the armpit, under the breast tissue or around the nipple. Depending on the desired size and patient's body type, the implant might be placed on top of the pectoral muscle or behind the muscle. After the implant has been placed and properly filled, if required, the incisions will be closed.
- The American Society of Plastic Surgeons says there are a variety of complications that can result from breast augmentation surgery. These include scarring, infection, scar tissue around the implant, sensation changes, blood clots and leaky implants. Patients might also have side effects from the anesthesia, including nausea and vomiting. Swelling is a common side effect from breast augmentation surgery and will typically resolve over time.
- The recovery time for breast augmentation is relatively short. Many doctors advise avoiding a shower for the first 24 to 48 hours and to rest during this period. Pain and swelling will be common during this time. Pain medications will likely be prescribed for short-term use after surgery. After this time, limited activities will be recommended for a few days. Normal levels of activities can usually be resumed in one to three weeks, depending on how healing is progressing. The plastic surgeon will follow the healing progress through appointments in the office.