Business & Finance Careers & Employment

How to Gain Employees' Confidence When New Technology Does Not Work

    • 1). Explain to employees that the new technology you were presenting experienced a glitch and that the proper team is looking into it. Tell them that once the glitch has been figured out and resolved, you will resume the demonstration and implementation of the new technology.

    • 2). Determine the cause of the problem. If the new technology was developed by your company internally, consult the developers. If it is third-party technology, contact the company that developed the technology. Explain what happened, including all configuration details and the last few steps you took before the technology failure. Also, provide any error codes or details of what happened when the technology did not work properly. Screen shots or other visual aides are helpful.

    • 3). Ask the developer to resolve the issue and test a new version of the technology. Once it has been tested and approved by the developers, get the latest version. Try the operation that failed again, but do it privately or along with the development team. This allows you to make sure the issue you encountered is in fact resolved before you present the technology to your employees again. If possible, test the operation multiple times, and test all other operations you plan to present or give to employees to use.

    • 4). Set up a meeting to present the updated technology to your employees. Walk through the demonstration, carefully pointing out the part where the issue previously occurred and how the issue is resolved.

    • 5). Discuss the benefits of using the new technology. Explain how the new technology will improve or help the daily responsibilities of the employees. Once they see the benefits that make their jobs easier, they will offer more support for the new technology.

    • 6). Allow the employees to use the technology themselves, with guidance from you at first and then on their own. Successful hands-on experience with the technology will help ensure employees that it does indeed work properly and will instill confidence that they can use the technology without any issues.

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