Health & Medical Acne

Top Secret Acne Treatments

Nowadays, numerous acne fighting products are available on the market but sadly, most of them are simply not working and only result to a waste of time and money.
On the other hand though, there are also a handful of those which work quite well.
The hard part is that those people suffering from acne will have to exert a lot more time, effort and money in trying to find the best and suitable acne treatments for them.
Teenagers, however, often outgrow acne before they find a treatment that works.
Among the better acne treatments around the market today is ProActiv.
It is a non-prescription acne treatment that has been reported to have helped a lot of people who could not find other solutions that worked for them.
A number of infomercials, news stories, magazine articles, and newspaper articles have already featured ProActiv.
It is a treatment system that has a renewing cleanser, revitalizing toner, and repairing lotion.
Benzoyl, which is a prescription grade peroxide, is the active ingredient in it.
One treatment that is available in the market today that requires prescription is Accutane.
It is a very powerful medication that is only suited for those who are suffering from severe and persistent acne.
This medication is to be taken internally and possible side effects may be expected to occur.
Among these side effects are birth defects, drying and cracking of lips, and liver dysfunction.
Another popular treatment for acne are topical medications such asRretin-a.
A lot of people have reported success with Retin-a for treatment of acne, acne scars, wrinkles and even stretch marks, skin discoloration, and other skin troubles.
Most Retin-a medications are available by prescription, but there are also some over the counter medications containing Retin-a.
Acne treatments do not just come in chemical forms.
Some essential oils are also known to have beneficial effects on treating acne.
These essential oils may be applied topically to treat mild to moderate acne.
Some of these widely known essential oils for acne treatment are: Tea Tree Oil, Bergamot Oil, Clove Oil, Lavender Oil, and Rosewood Oil.
Mixing Grapeseed Oil on the said essential oils is also done for dilution and for best results.
In finding the best acne treatment suitable for an individual, it is important to start with essential oils.
If essential oils do not provide promising results, the next step would be trying non prescriptive medications such as ProActiv.
If these do not work, then proceed on prescription alternative.
It can also be considered to have tests for food allergies, as certain allergies may also cause acne.
In this case, the only treatment needed to deal with acne is by eliminating the identified causes from one's diet.

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