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Paris Dinner Cruises

    • Paris Dinner Cruisesseine river, paris image by Laura Frenkel from

      Paris is a metropolis in France of two million people known for famous attractions, world class art galleries and museums, and plentiful parks and gardens. The Seine River traverses through the center of Paris, with all dinner cruises offering millions of tourists appreciation of Paris' historic monuments and famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, Grand Palais, Louvre Museum, Notre Dame and the many historic bridges spanning the river. Bateau-Mouche catamarans and trimarans are vessels used to navigate the shallow rivers and canals for Paris dinner cruises.

    Bateaux Parisiens

    • Bateaux Parisiens operates three trimaran Bateau-Mouches that are glassed-in, with a 580-seat capacity, a terrace at the rear and outside walkways. Dinner cruises involve an intimate environment with large windows for maximum view and a lively dance floor. Dishes are prepared on board under three price ranges, depending on the level of service. Reservations are mandatory and smart casual or dressy attire is required (no jeans or shorts allowed). Children are discouraged from coming on the Paris dinner cruise and all dinner cruises are non-smoking. Prices include the two and one-half hour cruise, dinner, drinks, entertainment, taxes and gratuity.

      Bateaux Parisiens
      Port de la Bourdonnais
      Paris, France 75007

    La Marina de Bercy/Paris

    • La Marina de Bercy operates three restaurant boats with capacities ranging from 32 to 239 passengers. Cruise rates include the two to two and one-half hour excursion, dinner and drinks (wines and champagne are available for sale). Advance reservations are required and business casual to formal attire is protocol. You can choose among three Paris dinner cruises, each with motor coach transport to and from a major monument and one of the three including a cabaret show at the famous Moulin Rouge (six-hour complete package).

      La Marina de Bercy/Paris
      Port de Bercy
      Paris, France 75012

    Yachts de Paris

    • According to Yachts de Paris' founder, Marc Bungener's vision, "...combine the spirit of yachting with the art of French living in the heart of the capital." The fleet of eight boats, ranging in capacity of 12 to 800 passengers, head chef Jean-Pierre Vigato tries to provide an unforgettable dinner cruise down the Seine. Paris dinner cruises operate daily, with table sizes from two to 12. Advance reservations are required for the three-hour cruise. Proper dress is required (no jeans, shorts or slip-on shoes).

      Yachts de Paris
      Port Henri IV
      Paris, France 75004

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