What Are The Facts?
Our national political discussion is melting down before it gets a chance to begin because there is no starting point. That point is usually defined by a generally agreed upon set of facts about how we got here - and where "here" is. In 2004 it revolved around Saddam Hussein's participation in the 9/11 attacks and his ability (and desire) to attack America any minute.
Now it includes a variety of issues that should not be in dispute:
Proper policy debates depend on a common understanding of our problems. If Michelle Bachmann (say) were to be the nominee then we could never solve any problems since she refuses to accept that we have any. The idea that markets are perfect so government must be the source of all evil casts one area -business, as infallible and another- government, as always evil. It becomes a war between Jesus and Satan. Those who attack Jesus must be stoned (verbally) Those who defend government are called liberals - the greatest pejorative in their vocabulary.
In foreign policy the USA is Jesus and everywhere else (except Israel) is Satan. If any politician (including Ron Paul) criticizes US foreign policy (and the defense department) such as our very questionable love affairs with foreign dictators (The Shah of Iran, Marcos, Qaddafi) then they are attacked as traitors. That is the main reason why Ron Paul will never get his party's nomination.
In such a binary world all debates become arguments about the belief in this structure. "How dare you apologize for the US" - we have never erred, whether we're discussing the accidental killing of Pakistani soldiers or slavery. This line in the sand outrage suits the sheeple in the town meetings. They want to believe in their country and it's easier to pillory nameless politicians than understand the complexity of global capital markets or free trade agreements. Attacking the actors or institutions is far less complex than figuring out policy solutions. There is an embedded dream: If we empower Jesus and defeat the devil then it will all work out. As H.L. Mencken said
"For every problem there is a simple solution, and it's wrong."
Now it includes a variety of issues that should not be in dispute:
- Is the planet heating up and if so, how much of it is being caused by the green house gas emissions?
- Is evolution a legitimate tenet of biological science?
- Did the banking system collapse due to excessive speculation or as a result of government interference?
- Does it matter that so much more of our national income is accruing to the top .1%?
- What matters more- keeping taxes low or the solvency of the government?
- Do all our free trade agreements help the US economy or is the damage they do to the labor market worth it?
Proper policy debates depend on a common understanding of our problems. If Michelle Bachmann (say) were to be the nominee then we could never solve any problems since she refuses to accept that we have any. The idea that markets are perfect so government must be the source of all evil casts one area -business, as infallible and another- government, as always evil. It becomes a war between Jesus and Satan. Those who attack Jesus must be stoned (verbally) Those who defend government are called liberals - the greatest pejorative in their vocabulary.
In foreign policy the USA is Jesus and everywhere else (except Israel) is Satan. If any politician (including Ron Paul) criticizes US foreign policy (and the defense department) such as our very questionable love affairs with foreign dictators (The Shah of Iran, Marcos, Qaddafi) then they are attacked as traitors. That is the main reason why Ron Paul will never get his party's nomination.
In such a binary world all debates become arguments about the belief in this structure. "How dare you apologize for the US" - we have never erred, whether we're discussing the accidental killing of Pakistani soldiers or slavery. This line in the sand outrage suits the sheeple in the town meetings. They want to believe in their country and it's easier to pillory nameless politicians than understand the complexity of global capital markets or free trade agreements. Attacking the actors or institutions is far less complex than figuring out policy solutions. There is an embedded dream: If we empower Jesus and defeat the devil then it will all work out. As H.L. Mencken said
"For every problem there is a simple solution, and it's wrong."