The Best Color Schemes for Promotional Cards
- Picking a color scheme for promotional materials is an important step in any promotional plan. The wrong colors could doom your whole promotion, so careful consideration needs to be given for your choices. Logo color and promotional placement also have to be taken into account.
When creating a promotional card, keep in mind the product you are marketing and the reaction you want to the product. According to the website, certain colors will create different reactions, and the combination of colors can paint a complete picture. You want to be sure that the picture you create matches your company vision. - Take urgent action... that's the message of the color red. It's a color that makes a person stop and pause. If your business has anything to do with safety or emergency services, then this color should be prominent in your card.
- Elicits the viewer to pause, but in a bright and happy way. Companies that promote products for children and schools can use yellow effectively.
- Portraying authority is the message of purple, the color of royalty. Purple therefore carries an air of sophistication and authority. Consultants might use this color to portray themselves as authorities in their consulting field.
- Selling a product or service that can be used to make life easier for the customer makes the color blue an excellent choice for your marketing. Blue invokes loyalty and courage.
- Giving off feminine vibes is the color pink. If your product is targeted towards women, pink can be an effective choice.
- Selling purity? If your product boasts natural ingredients or a simpler way to do something, then using white in your promotion is a good idea.
- Representing money or nature, green conjures up two different meanings, depending on how it is used. First, it makes the viewer think of money. Financial companies would benefit from using green in their promotions, along with yellow or purple. Second, green represents nature or a natural way. Combining green with white makes a great statement for green initiatives or environmentally-concerned businesses.