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Three Ways Landforms Are Formed


    • The intensity of an eruption shapes a volcano.Ablestock.com/AbleStock.com/Getty Images

      Volcanoes are mountain peaks that contain openings from which lava, ash and other materials reach the earth's surface. The type of eruption often determines a volcano's landform. Shield volcanoes feature gentle slopes, especially at the top, that form from non-explosive eruptions. Composite volcanoes, or stratovolcanoes, are more explosive and have steeper slopes at the top due to thick lava flows that travel relatively short distances. Many lakes, such as southern Oregon's Crater Lake Calderas, a water-filled craters of volcano landforms.

    Erosional Coastal Landforms

    Glacial Landforms

    • Cape Cod was formed from ancient glaciers.Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images

      Moving glaciers carve significant amounts of land to create steep and almost-vertical mountainsides, deep valleys, and rolling hills. Glaciers also contribute to coastal features, such as much of Cape Cod in Massachusetts. At Cape Code, a glacier migrated from southern Canada and northern New England approximately 21,000 years ago. As temperatures moderated, the glacial mass melted, raising sea levels and leaving deposits that would form the coastline and beaches of the cape.

    National Parks That Feature Landforms

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