Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Information Products - Today"s Best Business Opportunity

Information Marketing is one of the best business opportunities today.
There is a fundamental shift taking place right now, and if you choose to change with it, you stand to do very well.
This is a change anyone can take advantage of.
e-Marketing is the key to your success in the new era.
Whether you are already in a business of any type, or you are thinking of getting into business now, selling information is something you need to make a central part of your plans.
Information marketing has many benefits, and not including it in your business plans will limit your success.
The Internet is the first (and often only) place people turn to get answers to questions and learn things.
It is an information medium.
So if the Internet is a tool you plan on using to market your business, the best thing you can sell using it is information.
Sell Information Even If You Are Already In a Different Business All businesses, including those which provide goods or services, can add information to its offerings.
At the very least, this can expand your product offerings and bring in some extra money.
Or it can be a source of giveaways and bonuses you can use to get people to give you their e-mail address, to come into your store to see a product you describe in your book, or simply to build goodwill.
It is almost always possible add information products to your offerings and use them to grow the business through e-marketing.
For example, a gardener can offer a guide to keeping weeds from overtaking a lawn, or someone who sells furniture can provide information on interior decorating.
Keep this in mind as you review the many benefits below.
The Era of Information Or economy today is becoming increasing based around information.
There has not been another basic shift of this magnitude since the Industrial Revolution.
What had primarily been an agricultural economy changed rather quickly to a manufacturing based one.
Those people who made the transition along with the economy tended to do well financially, while those who stayed on the farm lived through decades of difficulties.
As the economy shifts again from manufacturing to information, you want to shift with it.
Lower Risks and Costs There has probably never been a business with lower costs than those for sellers of information products today.
You can write an eBook or record an audio or video with tools you probably already have.
So there is almost no cost of entry.
You can have a product within a few hours of sitting down to write, maybe even faster if you record yourself in audio or video.
Or you could find someone to take an outline of your ideas and write them out for you in a cleaner format, or even to research and write from scratch, and the cost for this is usually quite affordable.
The costs are not only low for product creation, but they are for almost all facets of the business.
Internet delivery of information means no shipping costs.
You can by ads on the web for pennies, rather than spending hundreds or thousands on print or TV ads.
And the e-Marketing tools you will use are usually very inexpensive, and often, they are entirely free.
You can test every aspect of your business inexpensively, from ad copy and sales letters, to web site design, and even your products.
With information products, you will likely know whether your business can be profitable or not while having spent only tens of dollars.
If it is a loser, you can revise the product or drop it entirely before you absorb major losses.
This exists today only in the information economy.
Previously, business would have to invest millions upfront on a product without much assurance that it would be a winner.
Lower Costs = Higher Profit Margins The lower your costs for creating and marketing a product, the more profit you make on every sale.
You can get close to 100% profit on sales in some cases if you use many of the free e-Marketing tools.
No other business model enjoys such high profit potential.
Businesses which sell physical products must pay to buy, manufacture, store and ship those goods, which reduces profit margins.
If your business provides a service, you usually have costs for tools and an office or store.
With information products, none of these costs cut in to your profits.
Ongoing Value Information products hold onto value over time in a way goods and services cannot.
Whatever costs you may have to create an information product are paid only one time, regardless of how many copies of it you sell.
People who sell physical goods or services only wish that were the case in their businesses.
Each unit of a physical good sold has to be manufactured at a cost, and every sale of a service requires it to be performed again.
When selling information, it is also simple to take your products and re-bundle them into new products, or to create new products by putting your existing products into a new format.
For example, an eBook can easily be repackaged as an audio book.
Just record yourself reading it (or pay someone else to read it for you).
Schedule Flexibility When your work with information products, you have complete freedom to determine when and if you work.
You can create products or do the work needed to market them any time of day, and from any location.
You can work from home, or from the coffee shop, or even while travelling.
Working with information products in today's economy provides perhaps the greatest opportunity for profit with the least amount of risk we have ever seen in business.
Today there is massive opportunity in selling information products and using e-Marketing tools.
Success has never been as accessible as it is with the opportunity selling information products today.

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