Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

How to Submit Ideas to Obama

    • 1). Access the White House website and click "Contact Us." Enter your contact information in the appropriate fields. Enter your idea in the "Message" field. Review your message and enter the CAPTCHA code in the field indicated. Click "Submit."

    • 2). Write a letter to President Obama. The salutation for the letter should be "Dear Mr. President." Include your email address with your letter. Mail the letter to The White House;1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW; Washington, D.C. 20500.

    • 3). Call the White House's comment line. You can provide the representative with your name, phone number and address. Tell the representative your idea for the president.

    • 4). Fax the White House a letter detailing your ideas to the president. The fax should be sent to 202-456-2461. Include your contact information in the letter.

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