Network Marketing Online - How to Take Your MLM Business From Offline to Online
Have you been trying to grow your network marketing business offline? If you are not familiar with the term, "offline" it just means using traditional methods.
Offline methods of growing your business include: · Networking · Hosting home parties · Hosting hotel meetings · One-on-ones · Talking to friends and family · Putting up flyers · Posting business cards on bulletin boards · Putting up bandit signs · Using classified advertising, such as Craigslist These methods are popular but they are very ineffective.
It is difficult, if not impossible to target one group of consumers using these methods.
Why would you want to target your customer? By targeting your customer, you will be able to find those that have a want/need for the product you have to offer.
So the first step in taking your network marketing business online is to figure out what problem your product can solve.
If you are with a company that has a lot of products, then choose one that you like or choose a group of products that work together.
For example, there may be one product that you use every day that you would not live without.
It solves a very specific problem for you which the reason you use it.
Or, it could be that your company has a group of products that work together to solve a problem.
This group of products could help people lose weight, gain more energy, lower blood pressure, etc.
Just choose one.
Then, make a list of the problems that product or group of products helps to solve.
The next step would then be figuring out who has those problems.
For example, if you choose a kid's vitamin that you want to focus on, it is doubtful that an elderly person with diabetes would find a need for your product, even if they did need a multivitamin.
Once you have the problem, solution and ideal customer, you can start working online to find those people.
There are many methods you can use to find them.
Some of the common online tools are: · Blog - you could start a blog which talks about the problem and how to solve it.
All the postings could be around that particular problem.
· Forum marketing - you could find some forums and offer help to people with that problem.
· Facebook - you could start a Facebook page attracting people with that problem.
There are many other methods of online marketing.
The key is to find one, get very good at it then move on to another one.
Soon, you will have lots of people who are eager for you to help them solve their problem and you will have taken your network marketing business from offline to online in a few easy steps.
Offline methods of growing your business include: · Networking · Hosting home parties · Hosting hotel meetings · One-on-ones · Talking to friends and family · Putting up flyers · Posting business cards on bulletin boards · Putting up bandit signs · Using classified advertising, such as Craigslist These methods are popular but they are very ineffective.
It is difficult, if not impossible to target one group of consumers using these methods.
Why would you want to target your customer? By targeting your customer, you will be able to find those that have a want/need for the product you have to offer.
So the first step in taking your network marketing business online is to figure out what problem your product can solve.
If you are with a company that has a lot of products, then choose one that you like or choose a group of products that work together.
For example, there may be one product that you use every day that you would not live without.
It solves a very specific problem for you which the reason you use it.
Or, it could be that your company has a group of products that work together to solve a problem.
This group of products could help people lose weight, gain more energy, lower blood pressure, etc.
Just choose one.
Then, make a list of the problems that product or group of products helps to solve.
The next step would then be figuring out who has those problems.
For example, if you choose a kid's vitamin that you want to focus on, it is doubtful that an elderly person with diabetes would find a need for your product, even if they did need a multivitamin.
Once you have the problem, solution and ideal customer, you can start working online to find those people.
There are many methods you can use to find them.
Some of the common online tools are: · Blog - you could start a blog which talks about the problem and how to solve it.
All the postings could be around that particular problem.
· Forum marketing - you could find some forums and offer help to people with that problem.
· Facebook - you could start a Facebook page attracting people with that problem.
There are many other methods of online marketing.
The key is to find one, get very good at it then move on to another one.
Soon, you will have lots of people who are eager for you to help them solve their problem and you will have taken your network marketing business from offline to online in a few easy steps.