Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

How to Save Your Marriage - Choose to Be in Love

Discover how to save your marriage or your relationship when you discover how to be in love all over again.
Herein are some thoughts to bring you back in love so you can save your marriage.
Some folks consider romantic love to be the cherry on top of the whipped cream of marriage.
Pure dressing.
It looks nice but it is not necessary.
However, this author holds romantic love to be the creme de la creme of marriages.
It not only looks good, it tastes good and it is necessary to have a thriving and robust marriage.
Despite the fact of what some well thinking folks may claim, I believe they inwardly desire for themselves the thrills of a romantic relationship.
Romantic love implies being in love.
What sane person would not want and long for a marriage filled with such amazing sensations? People in love feel energized and confident.
They feel like taking on the world and conquering it.
People in love know and feel they are loved.
People in love walk on clouds with a spring in their step.
If your marriage is not a romantic marriage, don't you envision being met at the door with sweet kisses while being held in strong loving arms and smiling eyes eager to consume you.
Don't you desire to be wanted so much you are missed before you leave? Does this not fill you with anticipation of returning home at the earliest possible moment? What person would think for one minute to delay their homecoming with such sweet bliss awaiting them? Romantic love is great medicine for ridding maladies such as low self image and anxieties.
This kind of love brings out our best.
It makes us want to be our best, to become the best we can be.
It is constructive in every sense of the word.
If your marriage in trouble it just might be missing romantic love.
If it had romantic love in the beginning, where did it go? Why is it not here now? What has changed? Go back and find it now, where it is, whatever the cost.
Put life back into yourself and your marriage.
Look at your spouse like you have not seen them months every time you look at them.
Hold them like you will never let them go.
Kiss them like you have been gone forever.
Whisper you love them in their ear as you use to, and mean it.
Commitment to a person or the relationship does not equal giving this gift to your spouse every time you see them.
Do you think they will not appreciate it? Do you think will think you daft when you do it the first time and second time and the third time? Probably.
Do you think they will love you for it? They will.
And you know what the best part is, it will not be long until they are giving it all back to you many times over.
Don't just exist in your marriage.
Do not just settle for what is.
Do notfall into the trap of dull and drab and mundane that contentment and mediocrity brings.
Save your marriage.
Save your spouse.
Save yourself.
Try it.
You will like it.
I promise.

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