Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Know Your Rights If You Have An Accident At Work

Accidents can happen at any time, in any place.
One place in particular where accidents can occur is an accident at work.
It is the responsibility of every employer to ensure that their employees work in a safe environment.
However, sometimes this is not the case, and can result in injury or worst-case scenario, a fatality.
Here are some common types of accident claims that are pursued following on from an accident or exposure to harmful chemicals in a workplace environment.
· Asbestos related illness - Exposure to high levels of asbestos fibres can lead to a variety of illnesses.
These illnesses generally don't show themselves until later in life.
They range in levels of severity, with Mesothelioma, an always fatal cancer, lung cancer, asbestosis and diffuse pleural thickening, which is not fatal but can be debilitating.
· Noise Induced Hearing Loss - caused by the constant use of loud machinery, prolific with those who have worked on building sites for most of their lives or other similar environments.
· Accidents in offices and shops · Accidents in factories · Slips, trips and falls · Chemical contact · Lack of training If the accident was caused by another individual or organisation, and you weren't at fault then you can make a personal injury claim for compensation.
If you happen to have an accident in the workplace, then you need to inform your employers about it straight away.
Make sure that the incident is recorded in the accident book.
If there isn't an accident book available then make sure that the details of the accident are written down and formulate the details of the accident into a letter, which you will then need to send to your manager or HR department.
You should also go and see your GP straight away, even if your injuries don't seem that bad.
This is important as your doctor will record your accident details and you can then use this to help win your case.
If you want to pursue a claim for an injury you have had through an accident at work then you will need to get in touch with a personal injury solicitor.
They will talk in detail about the circumstances surrounding your injury and should be able to tell you relatively quickly whether or not you have a claim.
Remember that if you choose to make a claim against your employer then you won't have to pay anything whether you win or lose.
This is due to the 'No win no fee' system, whereby legal fees are paid by your employers insurance company.

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