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How to Buy Land in Thailand

    • 1). Secure a "usufruct agreement" from the owner of a piece of land. The usufruct agreement gives you the legal right to use, possess and profit from the land. You can enjoy this right for the rest of your life or any fixed period of time. The owner cannot sell or interfere with your use of the property. This is a secure and court-tested method.

    • 2). Sign a long-term lease. A lease can be signed for a maximum of 30 years with an option to renew. A lease is often used in conjunction with owning a house. You own the house, but have a lease on the land.

    • 3). Confirm the right of superficies. A Thai owner can grant the right of superficies to a foreigner. This gives you the same rights as a usufruct agreement. This can also transfer to your heirs. This right is attached to the land, so it stays in force even if the owner changes.

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