Business & Finance Loans

Getting A Loan After Bankruptcy

You may have come to a place in your life where bankruptcy was your only option. Now that your bankruptcy has been discharged, you may wonder if you will ever qualify for a loan [] again. Perhaps you have been shopping around, or you may have put in for a loan only to be told that they can not give it to you because you filed bankruptcy. But all is not lost - there are lenders who actually specialize in giving loans to those who have filed bankruptcy, and you might be next.

Check Your Credit Report And Score

Once your bankruptcy is discharged, it is a good idea to check your credit report and score. Make sure that the bankruptcy is accurately reflected on all accounts that you included in your bankruptcy. You will need to check with all three major credit bureaus; erroneous information may be on one but not on all. If you find any discrepancies report them immediately either online or in writing. It is extremely pertinent that all items show up as being discharged in bankruptcy if in fact they were.

Lenders Who Understand You

To begin on your journey to rebuild your credit after your bankruptcy has been discharged, you will need to find a lender who understands your situation. The aforementioned lenders who specialize in loans after bankruptcy are your best shot at approval.

With the lending industry being in one of its most competitive states ever, online lenders who specialize in bankruptcy loans are very competitive. These lenders have the expertise to not only get you approved for your loan, but also to give you the best terms.

As you can imagine, any loans that you get after your bankruptcy is discharged will cost you more than they did when you had flawless credit. Having a bankruptcy on your record makes you a greater risk than those who have good credit. Therefore, you will pay for this in terms of higher interest rates and bigger penalties for late payments.

Simple Online Application Process

Your simple online application for a loan after bankruptcy will ask you to divulge information about your current employment status, financial and banking information, information about your bankruptcy and any repayments you are required to make; you may also be asked to provide several personal or professional references who can support your situation. All documentation can be either faxed or scanned and sent in via email to the lender. Your application can be approved in as little time as a few minutes, or may take as long as a few days to completely process.

Become A Good Steward Of Your Credit

When you receive your post-bankruptcy loan, make it a habit to become a good steward of your new credit. Pay your payments on time, every time they are due. This can make your credit score go up in only a few short months. When your credit score improves, you may even qualify to refinance your loan at a better rate to save yourself a hunk of cash.

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