Health & Medical Acne

What Is Causing Your Acne?

Often the biggest frustration about acne is not the failed attempts to cure it, its not knowing what actually causes it in the first place.
Having suffered from acne for many years before defeating it I experienced that same frustration.
By reading this article not only will you find out what causes acne, but how to clear your acne up effectively as well...
After trying hundreds of different acne treatments all claiming to be 'the one' I eventually studied acne and what caused it.
I found out that it was hormonal imbalance that caused acne.
And I found that certain foods either caused imbalanced hormones or caused balanced hormones.
Diet plays a big role in whether you get acne or not.
And when I changed my diet I found my acne cleared up DRAMATICALLY.
This is the best thing you can do to clear up your acne as fast as possible.
I started to eat more foods that balanced my hormones.
An example of this is green vegetables.
They contain all the nutrients and enzymes (chemicals) that balance your hormones.
I also started to avoid certain foods that were causing hormonal imbalance.
An example of this is vegetable oil.
You might not have heard of vegetable oil - it is found in some cooking oils, junk food and sauces.
Once I started to change my diet and handle the cause of my acne -hormones- I found my acne cleared up and stayed clear.
For more information on how to clear your acne visit my website now

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