Pets & Animal Pets & Animal

How To Take Care Of Rabbits During Winter

Rabbits do not adapt well in extreme weather, during the hot summer months a lot of them succumb to the heat. In winter, they are susceptible to being frozen to death or suffer from cold related illnesses. You need to prepare them for the cold months long before its onset. There are several things that you can do to keep them warm and comfortable even during the cold months.

Choosing the right location for your hutch is important. It must have shelter and be protected against strong winds. Tin roofing is preferable for the rabbit hutch which should have to be protected on all sides. In areas with cold weather, a wooden hutch is more appropriate. It should have wire flooring and sides and have a canvas covering that can be pulled up during fair weather and pulled down in bad weather. A wooden hutch run the risk of being chewed on by the rabbits who love to gnaw on everything.

The number one thing to avoid is getting the rabbits wet. In spite of their fur, once their bodies become wet, rabbits will have a hard time to keep their bodies warm. Their skins must always be kept dry and warm to keep them from getting cold. All water containers must be secured to the side of the hutch so that the rabbits cannot step on them and spill the contents. For this reason, wire flooring is necessary. It allows spilled water to directly fall to the ground. Hutches are constructed with trays placed under to hold waste matters. Just empty it regularly to keep the hutch clean.

Although it can be difficult to supply your rabbits with water during cold days, you can delay the freezing of the water by using water dishes that have wide mouths. It can be preheated to keep its water content from freezing.

Lastly, you need to provide your rabbits with a nesting box where they can fit well. Line the box with straw for insulation to give your rabbits warmth during winter and keep their feet from freezing as they sleep.

Giving the rabbits a place where they can snuggle like a nesting box is a good move. Their body will be protected against the cold and prevent their feet from being frozen during very cold nights. Protecting the rabbits from the cold outdoors is important in their survival. Although their bodies are naturally insulated by their fur, they still need your extra care and attention.

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