Health & Medical Lose Weight

How to Get Your Stomach Visibly Flatter Inside 12 HoursWithout Dieting Or Exercise

Take a look at your belly.
Are you proud of it, or is it a constant source of embarrassment? If you have a flat stomach, congratulations.
You are one of a small minority of people who can wear the clothes they want to wear without worrying about having to 'hide' a big, ugly-looking gut.
If you are in the majority, you wish you could lose your belly and look trim and smart again.
Well, your wish may have just been granted.
As you will see shortly, not only can you make a big difference to the size of your belly but you can also greatly boost your health and significantly increase your energy levels at the same time.
And all this can be done safely, simply, quickly and cheaply.
But first, let's look at exactly what causes a big belly.
It probably isn't what you think.
Most people believe that a big gut is just 'fat'.
This is plain wrong.
A big gut develops when the large intestine (known as the colon), which is actually a muscle, loses its strength through years of 'abuse by junk food' and drops down from its original position and pushes against the abdominal wall, making the abdomen bulge out.
Adding to its weakness is the collection of old, rotting and fermenting undigested waste matter which has taken up long-term residence in the colon (large intestine) instead of passing 'through and out' as it was supposed to.
The body has to then coat this matter in mucous to protect itself from toxicity.
Some of this toxic matter can be literally years old.
This stuff weighs down the colon which then also pushes the belly outwards.
Here are just a few of the health issues which have been linked to a toxic, clogged colon: oConstipation oWater retention oHigh blood pressure oFatigue oGas and bloating oHeadaches oBad mood oIBS, Crohn's Disease, Colitis and other diseases of the bowel oUlcers oHeart disease oSkin problems Most people are carrying several pounds of toxic waste matter inside them, day in, day out.
The average figure is between six to twelve pounds! In some people this figure is far higher.
Doesn't it make absolute sense to clear it all out, to dump all this health-ruining garbage? Not only will it make your belly shrink but there are numerous other huge health benefits which have been reported including: oA boosted immune system (70% of your immune system is in your gut) oAn end to constipation oWeight loss oAllergy relief oMore energy oImproved nutrient absorption oA clearer mind and many, many more potentially life-changing benefits.
In my experience the most effective and reputedly the safest way to cleanse the entire intestinal tract is by using an oxygen-based colon cleanser.
Other types of cleanser (we're not talking about enemas, drugs or laxatives here) use fiber, or herbs.
Fiber cleansers 'scrub' the intestines whereas herbal cleansers use micro toxins to make the body purge valuable water to flush the waste matter out.
Oxygen cleansers are different.
Oxygen-based colon cleansers work by gently producing oxygen along the entire digestive tract.
This oxygen then dissolves the waste matter, turning it into carbon dioxide, waste and water.
The waste is then easily passed out.
The oxygen produced can even reach the bladder and kidneys, which an added advantage.
Oxygen cleansers have another two great advantages over other types of colon cleanser.
Firstly, the oxygen can reach into all the folds and fissures of the intestinal wall (something which other types of cleansers cannot do) ensuring a much more thorough cleansing.
Secondly, the oxygen helps the 'good' bacteria in the gut to thrive and kills the 'bad' bacteria.
Do yourself a huge favor.
Treat your body to a program of oxygen cleansing.
Your waistline will improve.
Your health will improve.
You'll be glad you did.

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