Health & Medical Depression

Dream Interpretation - Detailed Psychotherapy by Your Unconscious Psychologist

Until today most people haven't known that our dreams are a source of information and therapy that has no equal, because the unconscious mind that produces our dreams is wise and saintly, and therefore the guidance we receive is certainly good.
We are not guided by an ignorant human being but by a superior and perfect conscience that shows us everything.
You can simply verify in practice how really helpful the dream messages are.
You'll see the results in your own behavior and daily life.
Translating your dreams according to the scientific method, you'll see what exists inside your psyche and inside other people's psyche as well, besides understanding how the entire world functions.
This knowledge is more than precious, but the world hasn't discovered it yet.
There are still many impostors insisting on misleading everyone with their suppositions and automatic translations.
This situation is sick, but with time only the valid method will remain and the truth will appear.
The scientific method is far superior to all other methods of dream interpretation you've learned before, if you have ever looked into this matter: And my simplification is so clear that even a child can understand how to properly translate the dream messages.
People that have serious problems see many dreams with many mysterious scenes.
If you are deeply depressed and completely lost with so many problems suffocating you, you need the relief you'll find in the dream messages without a doubt! Do you know how many desperate people, ready to commit suicide, have changed their mind after following dream therapy according to the scientific method? More than too many...
The unconscious mind is a private doctor that will examine your problems from the beginning to the end, with all their details, and show you precisely what you have to do, without giving you ready-made answers, but showing you how close to the target you are when you look for your solutions.
Your own intelligence is developed this way: you obey the directions you receive from your wise doctor, but not like a soldier: you do that because you see the entire truth in front of your eyes and you recognize that what the unconscious mind shows you is really a salvation.
Even if you cannot understand immediately why the unconscious mind is showing you something opposite to what you believe, you'll have the chance to confirm the unconscious' wisdom in the near future.
You'll never find anywhere a doctor that will have the patience to analyse your case so well! I can even tell you that many times I have felt quite tired translating too many dreams about the same themes for desperate people.
For me it is tiring, but for them this help is a real oasis in the middle of the desert.
If you are depressed, you want to think about your own problems a lot, analysing everything, examining all the details with caution, over and over.
Of course, if you have had a trauma, if you were betrayed, and if you are suffering and only wanting to die, you want to understand what is happening to you and what can save you.
The unconscious mind shows you everything in detail, many times, and in different forms, until you really understand everything that you cannot accept, and until you feel satisfied with this information and will stop thinking about the same things.
If you don't like the idea of caring about your dreams and writing them down, don't worry, because as soon as you see an impressive dream and you translate its meaning and realise how important its messages are, dream interpretation will be for you not only a magical therapy, but also something fascinating..
You'll discover so much translating your own dreams that this occupation will be your favorite!

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