Society & Culture & Entertainment Education

I Love Teaching

What is teaching? Isn't it imparting knowledge and information in the most loveable manner? A manner, in which it can be absorbed, understood, imbibed, inculcated and followed or abided by to get the maximum benefits? That is what I wish to speak about today - I love teaching.
There is nothing more honest and simple, believe me.
Is it important to be a person with the necessary certificates, qualifications etc to be a teacher? Isn't it more important to love to impart knowledge, wisdom and information for the betterment of the masses? What do the papers qualify you to be? A loving teacher? A person who enjoys sharing knowledge and endows you with the power of generously distributing the seeds of empowerment? Not necessarily.
I believe teaching and guiding the future generation lies in the hands of the millions of common people like the numerous mothers with excessive experience in life, teachers who never went through the so-called certification programs etc etc.
The desire to share knowledge is inherent and intrinsic - no one can impose it on you.
If that was the case there would never be any "gurus" who never went through any institutional programs or certifications.
Guiding people was never left to the hands of qualified teachers or certified, if you please.
It was an onus on the people who had the maximum experience of life and its tribulations.
Tell me something if your parents did not have the required experience of going through life and experiencing life's ups and downs - do you think they would be in a position to tell you what is right and what is wrong? Then why is it so important to have teachers with excellent certificates to teach your children? Look for teachers who have a passion for teaching and guiding - people who love the very thought of endowing the younger generation with the correct path to follow.
This does not disqualify teachers with the necessary documents; it only helps people to understand that education does not lie in the hands of a few who express themselves to be qualified enough to teach or impart knowledge.
It is a confusing world today and it is not easy to find one's way, yet if you love your child and wish that he or she gets the right guidance be alert.
Certificates or documents do not ensure that your child is in the right hands - check it out and seek the inherent love that should be in a teacher.
Believe me you.

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