Health & Medical Acne

Best Acne Medicine - All the Facts You Need to Know

There is such a large variety of products available that all claim to be the best acne medicine.
How could we possibly know which product to believe? What really is acne? Acne is our skin telling us something isn't working.
There are so many things that could be the problem, and they can range anywhere from stress, to touching our face too often, to poor eating habits or else even bad hygiene! What the real problem is, is our clogged pores.
The best option for an acne product is going to be an over-the-counter medication.
These usually are the best, unless you have a really bad, and extreme case.
These types of cases may, or may not require a dermatologist or even possibly a skin specialists care.
Use that as your last resort though since prescription methods often are known for causing unwanted side effects.
Natural medications are usually the safest route.
However, you shouldn't create the concoctions yourself since this could also give you side effects.
A majority of the products that do say they are the best actually just work at covering up the symptoms of acne instead of really getting in there and curing the root of the problem.
One product very popular for claiming it is the best acne medicine is the Proactive method.
The reason that this one claims that title is because it kills all of the bacteria on our faces.
Problem is, it kills the good and bad, when we lose the good bacteria on our bodies, we fight back by creating more bacteria..
good and bad.
This, unfortunately causes more acne.
This doesn't happen all the time though.
When it doesn't happen, there is a really good chance that your skin will eventually build a defense to it and it will no longer work for us.

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