Save Money, And Your Sanity, While Planning To Travel! Read This!
It's summertime! (well as I write this it is here in America anyway) You know what that means right? Vacations, vacations, vacations! You know what else that usually accompanies? Drama, drama, drama! Today we're going to go over some ways you can overcome the latter and travel stress free and keep your sanity! You may even save a buck or two! Read on! Plan, plan plan! - Before you book tickets, book your room, pack your clothes, say goodbye to family members; before you do any of THAT! Make sure you know exactly what the game plan is! Nothing shoots down a great trip or would-be great trip like lack of proper planning.
In my honest opinion, sometimes it is better to make sure you have a solid conducive plan in place and then go.
If you don't and the trip isn't essential I opt more in the not going at all boat.
Then again, I am the type of person who falls in the boat of when it comes to eating, I never try new things if I am starving.
Nothing kills me more than being hungry and unsatisfied.
Even worse if the food is garbage.
In other words, I don't like having bad experiences.
That's just me though.
Let's say the trip is very essential, its last minute, you have to go.
In that case, let's explore some options! Shop Around! Then Shop Around Again! And Shop Around Some More! - This is where people really lose their way.
They get so caught up in themselves and a go-go-go attitude that they will just buy the first thing they see.
Maybe not even read if it can be packaged or if it suites their best needs! So what you do is take a step back, breathe, and patiently look through results.
I know it can be so monotonous and boring sometimes, but trust me, that extra hour or so will be so worth it when you come out top dog! When You Get There, Don't Lose Yourself In The Moment! - This is a mistake a lot of people make.
I have even made it before in the past.
You are on vacation, having a great time, spending your money, eating nice dinners, taking pictures, spending your money, sitting on the beach, ogling ladies when the wife isn't looking, SPENDING YOUR MONEY! Then boom! You lose your sanity when you get home! Huge sticker shock! Why? Because you became too lost in the moment! Not to say don't have a good time! But be conscious of yourself and your decadence level.
The faster this lesson is learned, the more traveling you can do in a year.
That is where I can come in.
Wink nudge, smiley face.
Haha, but really learning this goes a long ways! Happy Traveling! Stay Nomadic My Friends! **This article can be freely republished and shared on a website as long as it is not modified in any way including the author's hyperlinks.
In my honest opinion, sometimes it is better to make sure you have a solid conducive plan in place and then go.
If you don't and the trip isn't essential I opt more in the not going at all boat.
Then again, I am the type of person who falls in the boat of when it comes to eating, I never try new things if I am starving.
Nothing kills me more than being hungry and unsatisfied.
Even worse if the food is garbage.
In other words, I don't like having bad experiences.
That's just me though.
Let's say the trip is very essential, its last minute, you have to go.
In that case, let's explore some options! Shop Around! Then Shop Around Again! And Shop Around Some More! - This is where people really lose their way.
They get so caught up in themselves and a go-go-go attitude that they will just buy the first thing they see.
Maybe not even read if it can be packaged or if it suites their best needs! So what you do is take a step back, breathe, and patiently look through results.
I know it can be so monotonous and boring sometimes, but trust me, that extra hour or so will be so worth it when you come out top dog! When You Get There, Don't Lose Yourself In The Moment! - This is a mistake a lot of people make.
I have even made it before in the past.
You are on vacation, having a great time, spending your money, eating nice dinners, taking pictures, spending your money, sitting on the beach, ogling ladies when the wife isn't looking, SPENDING YOUR MONEY! Then boom! You lose your sanity when you get home! Huge sticker shock! Why? Because you became too lost in the moment! Not to say don't have a good time! But be conscious of yourself and your decadence level.
The faster this lesson is learned, the more traveling you can do in a year.
That is where I can come in.
Wink nudge, smiley face.
Haha, but really learning this goes a long ways! Happy Traveling! Stay Nomadic My Friends! **This article can be freely republished and shared on a website as long as it is not modified in any way including the author's hyperlinks.