Pond Turtle Food Habits
- Pond turtles are generally omnivorous, meaning they eat both meat and vegetables. Younger turtles will need more protein than older ones, and they feed on worms, goldfish, crayfish and snails. If kept as pets, they should not be fed meat such as hamburgers or sausages, as they’re too fatty.
- Turtles will eat most vegetables and fruit, as well as plants such as dandelions and leaves. Pesticides can harm their stomachs.
- Nowadays, pet stores sell special turtle food. However, these tend to be very rich and can cause turtles to put on weight and crack their shells.
- In captivity, turtles will eat whenever they can; therefore, they will sometimes go without food for a few days at a time. In the summer, their metabolisms are faster, so they will need more food. In colder weather, they can be fed once every few days. Younger turtles need feeding every day.
- If keeping a pond turtle as a pet, you can leave foods like lettuce leaves and other vegetables floating on the water for them to nibble on. Be sure to remove them before rotting and attracting parasites.