Business & Finance Careers & Employment

The Average Salary of a Consumer Education Specialist


    • A September, 2010 survey by indicates that as a consumer education specialist, you can expect to start out earning an average $33,755 a year. After at least one year on the job, these professionals are reporting average salaries of $40,000 annually. After five years, they are reporting average earnings of $47,495 annually.


    • Where you work could determine your salary as a consumer education specialist. Those professionals employed by hospitals are reporting some of the highest average incomes at $50,215 a year. Those employed in schools are earning an average of $41,446. Working for a state and local government agency could pay the least, at $30,189 annually, on average.


    • Certain areas of the U.S. may be more profitable than others as far as consumer education specialists go. Workers employed in Illinois are reporting some of the lower average incomes of $35,608. By contrast, their Georgia counterparts are reporting earning $49,910 a year.

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