Health & Medical Muscles & Bones & Joints Diseases

How to Recognize Hip Pain

    • 1). If you fell or suddenly felt your hip gave way and it hurts to lift, straighten or stand on your leg, and the toes on the same side as your injured hip appear to turn out, then the deformity and pain might be from a hip fracture.

    • 2). If you have swelling, redness, stiffness or pain in your other joints, then your hip pain could be caused by arthritis.

    • 3). If you feel pain that comes from your lower back and travels into your leg or buttocks, it might be sciatica (pinched nerve). If the pain rapidly moves down your knee or to your foot, it might be caused by a ruptured disk.

    • 4). If a child experiences pain in the groin, knees or hips, this could be related to numerous disorders including a slipped capital femoral epiphysis. This hip problem is most common in children.

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