Treatment For Sciatic Pain - Are Injections the Answer You Have Been Waiting For?
You are in pain, a LOT of pain, and finding relief seems so hard to do.
It is almost like a maze where you have no idea where to go.
The only thing you know for sure is that you want to end this pain...
And the more pain you are in, the more desperate you are to try something, anything to make it end.
You even find yourself willing to try things that your 'pain free' self would never have dreamed of doing.
Things like weekly trips to the physical therapist or chiropractor, popping pills every chance you get just to take the edge off, and knowing the staff at your doctors office by name.
You will do inversion therapy, physical therapy, massage therapy, anything just to find some relief.
Sooner or later, your doctor will start mentioning even more scary things and depending on your pain, you may find yourself considering these things too.
Things like "spinal injections" or "surgery".
Yes, these things will hurt, but isn't it worth it to finallyfind a treatment for sciatic pain that works? But have you considered the other option? Have you considered the very real possibility that you could go through all of this pain and still find no relief? The very scary, but very real truth about spinal injections for sciatica is that more often than not, you will only be pain free for a short while before you need them again.
There is really no 'cure' with these injections.
And worst of all, the injections themselves hurt.
You have many options as far as the type of injection you get and what will work for you.
But at the end of the day, they all hurt.
And if you are like most people, in a few weeks you are likely to find yourself right back where you started.
Still in pain, no real way to stop it, and no permanent relief.
It is almost like a maze where you have no idea where to go.
The only thing you know for sure is that you want to end this pain...
And the more pain you are in, the more desperate you are to try something, anything to make it end.
You even find yourself willing to try things that your 'pain free' self would never have dreamed of doing.
Things like weekly trips to the physical therapist or chiropractor, popping pills every chance you get just to take the edge off, and knowing the staff at your doctors office by name.
You will do inversion therapy, physical therapy, massage therapy, anything just to find some relief.
Sooner or later, your doctor will start mentioning even more scary things and depending on your pain, you may find yourself considering these things too.
Things like "spinal injections" or "surgery".
Yes, these things will hurt, but isn't it worth it to finallyfind a treatment for sciatic pain that works? But have you considered the other option? Have you considered the very real possibility that you could go through all of this pain and still find no relief? The very scary, but very real truth about spinal injections for sciatica is that more often than not, you will only be pain free for a short while before you need them again.
There is really no 'cure' with these injections.
And worst of all, the injections themselves hurt.
You have many options as far as the type of injection you get and what will work for you.
But at the end of the day, they all hurt.
And if you are like most people, in a few weeks you are likely to find yourself right back where you started.
Still in pain, no real way to stop it, and no permanent relief.