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How to Change a Man"s Way of Thinking! Here is How to Easily Get Him to Fulfill All Your Wishes

When a man is bent on achieving something, his very nature dictates that he will do all in his power in order to reach his goals.
This can be a great quality but it can be quite irritating especially when they dictate everything in a relationship.
As a woman, what must you do in order to coax him to the way you want things to happen? No amount of argument could change his mind Staging an argument would never do you any good.
When the two of you engage on a heated exchange, you only tend to hurt one another-naturally, this isn't the best way to make him understand your views as it puts him on a defensive mode.
Always have a soft answer Even the angriest person will be soothed by a soft answer.
Gentleness is the exact opposite of arguing heatedly.
If you want to lead him to respecting your thoughts and opinions, then better show him your gentle side.
Respect his opinions, no matter how much you disagree with him Never brush aside any of his comments or views.
Once he feels that what he has to say is always considered as trash, then he'll have no recourse but to disagree with you, or worse, to run away from you.
Have lots of patience Along with having a soft answer all the time, you have to learn to reach a level of patience that is similar to taking care of a child.
Men are, somehow, so much like children when it comes to their behavior.
If you want to get them to listen to you, then learn to listen and be patient with them.
Being patient means you have complete control over your emotions.
Be objective during arguments Logic and reason are the two things that would make you be able to discuss on a man's level.
Once you start becoming subjective, say, you keep bringing up his mistakes from the past, then don't ever expect to win him over to your way of thinking.
Make him feel that you're agreeing to his decisions each time Even if the idea originated from you, it would be best to let your guy feel that he suggested that idea to you and you just agreed with it.
This can be quite tricky to master but with constant practice, you're a sure winner.
Never show him any tears Reserve your dramas to yourself as no man would want to be subjected to an hour with a drama queen! If you want him to agree with anything that you have to say or do, then crying isn't the best way for him to get to do it.
Crying is nothing but pure blackmail.

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