How to Set Automotive Lights for Night Driving
- 1). Open the hood of your vehicle and locate the headlight adjustment screws. These screws should be depicted in your owner's manual are often marked with "+" and "-" symbols. They're usually just behind the headlight assembly.
- 2). Park your vehicle a foot or two away from a garage door or wall and on level ground. Do this in the evening when it's dark enough to see the headlight beams.
- 3). Place a horizontal strip of masking tape along the wall at the height of the center of your headlight lenses.
- 4). Place two small vertical strips across the horizontal tape to mark the distance between the center of each headlight lens.
- 5). Measure 20 feet from the wall and back the car straight from the wall to place the front bumper at the 20-foot mark.
- 6). Turn on your headlights at the low-beam setting. Open the hood and use a Phillips head screwdriver to adjust the vertical and horizontal aim of each beam so the brightest part of the beam strikes the wall 4 inches below and to the outside of each center mark on the wall.