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6 Tips To Help You Win Your Ex Back

Time right after a breakup can be full of drama and turmoil...getting your head clear enough to even know which way is up can be difficult enough, so what do you do when all you want is to get your ex back and turn your life back upright...but you have no idea how to do such an impossible-sounding thing? Here are a few tips for you.

1) I know it seems like the last thing you'd want to do to get him back, but cutting off contact with your ex for about a month is actually surprisingly effective for a number of reasons. No matter what your situation, the separation will make the time you spend actively pursuing him a lot easier, and more likely to succeed.

2) Don't let Hollywood fool you...sliding into a rock-bottom slump until your caring friends take care of everything for you or your ex calls you up out of the blue to get back together does NOT happen in real life. The only person you can count on is yourself, so find the motivation to rise above your depression and take back your life.

3) Just because you are your only main resource doesn't mean you can't have a little support. Being with great friends or close family can do wonders for you, uplifting your spirits and helping you heal. I recommend spending a lot of time with people who love you, it'll do you a lot of good and when you feel better you'll be better-equipped to get him back.

4) Don't waste your month of freedom from your ex by sinking into a depression...take advantage of your time for taking steps to get your life back on track. Do whatever makes you feel good, and now is a great time to do self-improvement things you've always put off, like starting an exercise program or other healthy resolutions. When you can accept that your life isn't over without your ex, you'll find that working to get him back can only result in your life getting even better!

5) You can't count on your ex to fix the relationship...he's had his go at it, and it left you alone. If you want this to have a happy ending, you are the one person you can count on to make it work. Plan your strategy for getting your ex back so that you don't have to rely on him for anything. You are your own greatest asset.

6) Things don't fix themselves, and even when they get fixed they don't always stay that way just by default. When you do get your ex back, it's important not to let this happen again. The things the two of you resolved when you got back together should never affect your relationship again, and it's YOUR job to make sure of it. Letting things go again just because the hard part seems to be over is nothing but a great way to bring about more trouble and heartache. If you really value your relationship, take care of it.

Getting your ex back doesn't have to be an impossible struggle! If you go about it the right way, you will find that it's a lot easier than it seems. I wish you the best of luck in all this, although in all honesty you don't need it. All you need is a plan!

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