Home & Garden Green Living

Lawn Supplies for Lawn Care

Having a lush green lawn requires special maintenance all year around to prolong the life of your turf.
No matter what time of year, there is always something that can be done to keep your lawn in a healthy condition.
There are four key areas to consider, as well as some highly recommended products that will assist you in living where the grass really is greener.
Fertilise your grass We recommend you rake Dynamic Lifter or No 17 into the soil before laying your turf.
If you want your lawn to stay greener in the winter months we also recommend that you fertilise on top of your lawn while the days are still warm enough for the fertiliser to work.
You should always water your fertiliser in well.
You can purchase lawn fertilisers from your local hardware or landscape supplies store.
Remove Weeds When your lawn is established and you want to get rid of bindii, capeweed, clover, creeping buttercup and the majority of broad leaf weed we suggest that you spray your lawn with Yates Buffalo Pro or Searle's Buffalo Master.
Make sure you do not spray your lawn when temperatures exceed 25 degrees.
You can spray in the winter when the turf is not actively growing.
Be sure to always follow the directions on the container.
When spraying be sure not to overlap the spray as you will tend to burn the grass.
Mow your lawn For the first few mows give your new lawn a light trim.
You can mow your lawn when you cannot pull it off the ground anymore.
You can take the setting down gradually each time you mow and try and eventually get it quite low to the ground.
A spongy lawn is not a healthy lawn as this leads to thatch and disease problems.
Always make sure your blades are nice and sharp.
Water your lawn in crucial periods When it comes to watering a new lawn the first week is the most crucial.
We recommend you water your lawn morning and afternoon for the first 7 days in the Spring, Summer and Autumn months.
Watering in periods where the sun is not the strongest allows for the highest penetration of hydration to your lawn.
If your grass is still nice and green after 7 days you are doing well and you can start to back off a little with the watering.

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